Are we really dead?

Day 2,034, 15:29 Published in Canada United Kingdom by Pat Harper

I can't help noticing the negativity as of late, and I am not innocent myself of putting short our capabilities.
We are constantly talking about how eCanada is dead, how all the old players are leaving either the game or CS - and it's true our numbers are dwindling, and yes our IRC is very quiet to what it used to be.

Does this mean we are slowly going to fade into an empty wasteland?

Today I started looking around and thinking, you know what. For a country that has been under occupation for so many months, been without congress and loosing players left right and centre, we are doing remarkably well. Here is a few of the things I notice😛

Bearing in mind Spain are part of a super-alliance and are nearly 10 times stronger than us

We have a huge amount of damage going down, here is a shot of just the recent RW:

an active feed is always good to see

USRP feed, not overly active but for a small party we are trying our best + have been busy with much private discussion as of late

It's good to see people are not loosing spirit and remain fighting the Spanish oppressors. The babyboom project is underway and hopefully it will start something good for eCanada.

Let's stay positive eCanada, we don't need regions to show how awesome we are! (Although it would be a nice side dish)

Go to a happy place ~~~~


-Pat Harper-