Announcing a new Sol Logo

Day 700, 15:54 Published in Australia Philippines by Sol HQ

After a furious debate (Rea😛 Snayke and Akki pelted random strangers with cantaloupes), a tense vote (Hekter cracked some nuts open with his gavel while singing "Barbie Girl"), and praying to Jaxon Leith, god of all things Ajay, for 13.467 hours, we have reached a decision on the new Sol logo:

This logo will offer unparalleled customization, recognition, and sh33r 4w3s0m3 to add to our alliance. Check out this example work of how 4w3s0m3 it can be!

Sol: Proving we can still be about srsbsn while having a little fun.

Chairman Hekter