After all its just a.. GAME!

Day 1,873, 06:53 Published in Cyprus Cyprus by L30n4rdo

I play this game for almost 2,5+ years.

In the beggining my entertaiment was to get more golds, watching Greece deleting Turkey and learning some more things about game mechanics.

After some time I discovered the REAL meaning of this game for me.

Friends & Community

Doubtlessly seeing RL Turks and Greeks co-operate so well in a game for a common purpose (eCyprus) during an eGR-eTR costly war, was something strange.

Even more strange was the fact that when the Turks of eCyprus felt disrespected from their country they wanted to punish eTR in the name of eCyprus, of our brotherhood.

After that the RL meeting of eCyprus came. Now it has not to do with game. Just with Real Life fun with people from a different country.

Countless beers, jokes, food and amazing times.People who came know exactly 😉

Today its presidential elections. And Maya_The_Bee will propably be the next CP. And its not RL Turk or Greek or even French 😛

Call it Macedonia, call it Fyrom call it whatever you like. I am not here for real life debates.

All I want to say is that I am happy to see a person from an ingame 100% enemy country (and controversional in RL) to be the next CP.

You know my/our opinion about Croatians in the game. But what can we say about our brother drksd. A so old and loyal eCypriot.

Because this is it. It's just GAME and I feel so proud that eCyprus protects this feature.

United we sikert