ADHD: Highway to Distraction

Day 1,476, 13:46 Published in USA Canada by Cody Caine

eUS Presidential Election December 2011
Today is Presidential Election day for the month of December 2011, as you all most likely know. This election comes with the biggest show of support for anyone candidate since I have been a part of this game, with Oblige being supported by sixteen parties including his own. I myself voted for Oblige because he seems to be the best candidate and not just because if he wins I will be a part of his Media Team, he also took the time to enter himself within the Revolutionary Party Primary, something I as well as other members of the party appreciated, finally you can look back at his campaign articles below in my Articles to Read Section.
Perhaps it is time to say good bye to Pfeiffer

This "man" has been in power for to long now, with countless abuses of power, his continued disrespect for nearly everyone, his insults at large groups of people, his attacks politically and personally on anyone who disagrees with him, and the sheer fact that he seems to lack a sense of humanity. NO Person who insults another person for having Real Life personal problems, shall be given any respect by this writer, that is a line you simply do not cross. So this writer believes it is time for Pfeiffer to "Retire" because his antics are not acceptable, and this writer also feels anyone who thinks they are should learn from this editions Quote of the Article.
Suggested Articles to Read
In the spirit of Campaign Commercials for this article, I present to you the Articles to Read suggestion as a break between article segments, enjoy:

Lancer450's Departure as Prime Minister of eAustralia, I still maintain he did a good job all things considering, and he's a good efriend of mine.

Fighting Back, and Meet the Press Projects Oblige for the White House the latest from my eBrother Portcolumbus at Meet the Press.

A Look to the Future, by Kooguy.

The Oblige Campaign:The Announcement, The Executive Team, The Defense Team, The Diplomacy Team, and finally The Media Team.

Pfeiffer Threatens Congress, seriously where does he get off?, anyway good article by Stanley.
Don't Worry it gets better

No this isn't going to be a pep talk, though Molls might need one I hear she's coming under some fire for Real Life issues effectively bringing her into the category of Part time congresswoman, but hey she's cute so I'm good, and we all know how I feel about people who give others crap for putting Real Life above this game, any who this little section is to cheer up the readers after some of that serious stuff above, it also provides those Molly Fans with another fun moment.
Shoot to Thrill
In theme with the article title which if you haven't picked up on is a AC/DC connection with ADHD, but in that theme my Campaign Slogan to be elected to Party President of the Revolutionary Party for the first time since Early July is Shoot to Thrill, because I aim to Excite. Also it gives me an excuse to break out the Molly Jo with gun picture again:

Awesome stuff.
Revolutionary Report 20: Presidential Election Coverage Special
Not only is this show special because it is the 20th show, but also because it's a Presidential Election Coverage Show, it is also at a special time of 15:30 eRep Time, with at least one planned guest being my eBrother Portcolumbus, but now for the show information.

The Agenda
1. Opening Statements
2. Presidential Election Talk
3. A Look forward to serving in the Press Corp
4. -Listeners Choice-
5. Discuss issues of the Day
6. Final Live look in on the Election
After-Party: A look back at my show from where it started to where it is now.
Listener Information
Show Time: 15:30-16:00 eRep Time
Show Link:
Rizon IRC: #Revolutionary
Guest Call in #: 1-818-668-5408
Final Thoughts and Quote of the Article
As the year comes to its final month both in game and in life, it is always nice to look back at events of the soon to be closed year, to try and learn from them, and while it may not always be easy to do so, we must still strive to do so for the betterment of ourselves and society. Finally I hope those who listen enjoy the Special 20th show.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." ~Edmund Burke~

~Revolutionary Party Founder~
~Revolutionary Army Commander~
~eUSA Deputy Press Secretary Oct 2011~