About witherd1, ANP, APP, and ... stuff.

Day 1,592, 02:48 Published in Australia Australia by Ranger Bob

I write the following as a private citizen, and in no way affiliated with any role or function I have to government.

It has been a long time since I have felt compelled to write an article. And, although I had been sorely tempted to avoid writing an article, the recent article by mudkip: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/witherd1-039-s-dirty-deal-exposed-1997536/1/20

and, article by mudkip: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/witherd1-s-dirty-deal-additional-information-1997566/1/20

AND, article by mudkip: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/witherd1-s-dirty-deal-the-terms-of-agreement-1997568/1/20

I'll note, I am not, and have not been a member of any political party, be it ANP, ADSP, APP, MBP, TBP, or any other P's now in over a year. So, my observations are made without ANY respect to any political party in eAustralia or elsewhere.

Firstly. FOR THE RECORD. And, witherd1 may well substantiate my claim, as I am sure, he, as do I, holds a transcript of a conversation I recently had with him, where I encouraged him to consider running for CP. Mainly because I felt while he has been learning well for the IG role, it is currently politics that holds his heart.

He was surprised I even suggested this, to the extent he talked for a while about it to me, and why I thought it was something worth considering. I pointed out he has been doing good things, has not to me appeared in any way unbalanced in terms of how he approaches his work, and seems to have the right mix of a good orator/writer, as well as the ability to get things done.

I had this conversation without conversing with any other party, or any other individual. I had intended on keeping it private.

Now, to the additional point of running as Speaker.

There has been quite a number of examples where someone will emerge in the race for CP, yet has up until the election decided to take on another role. Is that really immoral? I think not, and I will explain why.

Witherd regardless of his CP run, is active, can talk a good game, walk the walk as needed and do good things for our country. It would be a shame if he hadn't run for speaker, and did lose a run at CP, that you then lose out on someone who could be a good speaker.

I don't consider what he did a deal. He has been quite honest in his run, and if anyone is then worried about the next speaker there can be a flow on election as the speaker can simply be removed if needed.

And, I don't think Aussie Vegeta will be overly fussed about the way this works. BOTH HE AND I HAVE SEEN THIS WORK THIS WAY BEFORE. (Hi, AV).

As to an ANP deal, I do kind of think this is a bit over the top. DD can have posted whatever he will, but he is not a ANP powerbroker - in fact I have participated in that party before, and I think people tend to see them as these behind closed door deals people when (sorry guys, but this is a good thing to say) they are not nearly as sophisticated as people think.

In short, I have to say I was quite distressed to read the spate of attacks, and I think it is a GOOD THING for eAustralia to have the choices it does this election based on policy, not politics.

I think Arfman and Greenimp would also be a good joint CP This is not the point of my article.

But I think this attack is just a terrible thing and I wanted to speak up.

If anyone should be blamed for convincing witherd to have a go...

It should be me. He's done no deals.