About eHungary

Day 842, 03:17 Published in Norway Hungary by Hammerbringer

Hei and welcome everybody!

My name is Hammerbringer, and i am the ehungarian ambassador of eNorway.
In this article i want to introduce my country. It will be short, if u interested i can make longer version later.

The story starts little more than a year. Hungary was under romanian rule except 2 regions. Then the famous Quicksilver came up with an idea. (the older players may know her, she was a politician in eNorway as well). She happened to publish an article about erep and eHungary in a well known site in Hungary, so a huge baby boom has started (so called 'Index-boom'). This was the start of the rise of eHungary. We managed to liberate our regions, and to establish a strong economy and military.

So eHungary became a top nation, with friendship of eIndonesia. The indos were our best mates in our wars, and we had strong economical relations.

Time had passed, and the other great moment i was intended to share with u is the so called World War III. Till the epic fights in Amercia rages on, eHungary managed to get Heilonjiang (Hellokitty) which is the base of our economy and might. (It is a high iron region) There were several attack against it, but we managed to hold it. During an attack admins made a new border between it and inner mongolia. Well i dont want to complain or anything, it happened to other coutries as well. So we managed to conquer it as well, and now serves of gate to Hellokitty.

Thats how we came here in short. As i wrote, if anybody is interested, i plan to make a 3 part history of eHungary. And an article about our political and diplomatic state.

Hope u enjoyed it