A small update from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Day 1,217, 01:36 Published in Sweden Norway by Ministry of Foreign Affairs

We just want to give you all some short information about some stuff that will effect us during the upcoming days.

1) As you might have noticed Valnad have proposed Norway as our natural enemy, if you haven't look here

There is a simple explanation for that reason; The Training War against Lithuania was costing us more than it was worth that's why the training war most stop. But to get the NE bonus and to have some where to fight we decided to arrange this Traning War with Norway.

During the meeting with Norway's President we also came to an agreement about Jämtland. This region will be liberated during the upcoming time, but when hasn't been decided.

2) Samogitia (high grain region) will be returned to Lithuania in in the upcoming time. The reason is that the rent for the region would be to high and with the upcoming changes that will be implemented by admins we would need to hold Lithuanian Minor or Krzeme as well to received the bonus for the region.

3) The war between Germany and Poland, I would like to ask all citizens of Sweden(Homonavia) to not fight in these upcoming battles. Our position in this conflict is to stay neutral so please don't fight there.

Best Regards,
Valnad - President
w3st3rb3rg - MoFA