A Riddled History

Day 1,731, 07:47 Published in North Korea Ireland by OogieBoogie3

I am OogieBoogie3, previously known by my real name of Orlandini before an exile in 2008. I was one of the first 15 people to move to eNorth Korea from eSouth Korea years ago. I helped Morgaroth found North Korea's first political party, the Democratic Socialist Party of NK and fought along side Defenestration as a political opposition leader against Drago's alignment with EDEN. Which by the way put us in this very mess in the first place.

Drago wasn't all bad. He built up North Korea's economy as the largest heavy weapons manufacturer in the world. We thrived, exports were high, and the economy booming faster and harder than our neighbors around us. We were over 600 hardworking citizens strong, and EDEN's eastern most ally. Though, it was at this time that WWIII was in progress.
The powers of now Defunct PEACE GC were waging war in North America, quickly conquering more than half of the United States and Canada. EDEN was losing, and desperate for any kind of help possible. Ontario, New Jersey, Florida, and California were the fortress states remaining, holding on with all they had. They needed an edge, and under Drago, North Korea had just what EDEN needed to hold on.
Because we were the largest manufacturer of Q5 weapons in the world, everybody was buying them off of us cheap, even our enemies from PEACE. So the North Korean government, which ran almost every company in some way, closed all exports for the country entire. We began selling our weapons only to EDEN military organizations via donation for pure gold in return. With the closing of exports, suddenly PEACE couldn't touch these fortress states anymore, and North Korea was already known to be the source of EDEN's firepower.
The war had not yet touched East Asia when we became the side-show focus of the war. Russia, PEACE's host nation, did not want to waste military resources invading North Korea because it would allow the USA to have an edge and possibly take back Pennsylvania, a high coal and iron manufacturing region that was capable of making them being self reliant again. Instead, Russia's President Parter personally sent one of his snakes named Smirnoff to take care of North Korea in a different aspect. Smirnoff was set to stage an economically destabilizing political takeover. Now remember, there was no citizenship yet, so takeovers were always a threat. This threat became apparent when we grew from 600 to 800 citizens in a single day, all of which joined a specific newly establish political party. Smirnoff blackmailed our government saying that if we joined PEACE, we would be spared. But Drago was no push over. A good friend of USA's President Emerick, he struck a deal behind closed doors guaranteeing North Korea near future liberation given we sacrifice ourselves by attacking Russia, forcing them to defend themselves seizing their current conquest giving USA the upper hand. It worked exactly that way,. Within 3 days North Korea was wiped off the map and USA had changed the tides of the war. That is when our riddled history of oppression started.

To be continued.