A request to GPN

Day 2,119, 04:36 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by NoTie112

Dear citizens of the eNetherlands,

My last article was received with both lot of criticism, but also received support for the actual content of it: the unhealthy democratic state of the eNetherlands. Of course, the article was ‘juiced’ up, but isn’t that exactly the reason why you kept on reading it and why you were even bothered to reply to it? Isn’t it part of the media, just as in real life, to grab the attention while having something important to say? Isn’t it part of the political game to speak harsh as the opposition, if needed? I think it is, and I do not think it gives reason to depart from the actual debate and issues, by lowering ourselves to irrelevant personal insults and attacks.

Now that I’ve made very damn well aware what the issues of the eNetherlands are currently, which is being recognized by almost every party and individual in our country, it’s time to call out for an united solution to at least some of these problems. First to tackle is the Congress issue, which everyone agree on to be unsatisfying at the moment.

As we speak, we have no in-game Congress. It was decided however that we still needed a legislative institution of power, which could base on the national forum of the eNetherlands. As the occupation was deemed to be a temporary solution, it was decided that the last legally elected Congress would extend its term until liberation. However, that liberation never approached (and will be waiting, too) and we’ve been stuck with an outdated and biased Congress ever since. A party which has fallen out of the top 5 since then, still holds 3/20 congress seats, while GPN holds a very unequal 9/20 seats based on luck and unfair game mechanics. A major party like DemNL and Libertas have virtually no seats currently, making opposition almost a lost cause - which should never be the case in a functioning parliamentary state.

A debate on changing this Congress system has been going on for months now, but is in danger of being forgotten. The last vote on changing of the Congress system was not the prefered proposal by everyone, but still was voted on positively by all parties. The exception? GPN consistently voted ‘no’ on the proposal. Whatever the reason is, be it preferring more direct elections than elections based on membership, be it afraid of losing the unequal majority it currently has, I, and many other with me, make this simple request:

I beg Geuzen Partij Nederland to allow Congress elections, or any form of an updated Congress. It’s one of the major steps to solving the so-called civil war in our nation, which lays in the hand of the current government/GPN. I do not think I’m being unreasonable, if I ask the GPN leadership the following question:

Will Geuzen Partij Nederland guarantee a functioning, fair and updated Congress before the end of their current Presidential term? Yes/No

Yours sincerely,