A new month, and time for change.

Day 2,004, 11:28 Published in Canada United Kingdom by Pat Harper

Greetings Citizens of eCanada,

I have recently been elected as the PP of the Union of Social Reform Party. The party was created by Venerable a few months ago but due to inactivity and RL issues the community has fallen quiet, the number count fading and a stagnant air lingers.

A bit about myself,
I have never been a Party President before, but am well known for founding the Military Unit 'Liberty CA'. I am an active player, probably more so than I should with exams ongoing. I am originally from the eUK and occasionally return for a few weeks but it is full of bickering old women who fight over members of their parties instead of trying to fix the country. I have been involved in several parties including TUP, UK Reform Party, Independent Alliance, Clan Wolf and MDP but have never really been properly involved with any of them. I have always had an opinion and am not afraid to give it. I am determined and have a fresh views on politics, I believe this party has the values and potential to grab a top 5 spot in eCanada.

The Values:
- A sense of Unity as a Nation, while respecting differences in the opinions of others
- Activity both in-game and out
- Swift Communication on every front.
- The maintaining of honesty and Dignity in all situations
- To have Knowledge about game mechanics and meta game
- Innovative perspective on both new and old topics
- The achievement and retention of the Glory of eCanada

Questions and Answers:

Are there supplies?

Parties should not even think about giving out supplies. There are none, ask your MU for that, however I will offer some rewards on occasions for articles, discussion activity etc.

Is it an active community?

Well that is down to you really. If you join the USRP you can be assured that there are members that will discuss matters, and debate issues however I cannot physically make people interact with each other. I will try my best however. *Takes out whip*

What happens when it comes to the CP elections?

Simple, we discuss as a group who we think will be the best CP, and we support that person. Individuals can vote who they want, there are no ties but we will recommend who the majority want in.

Why should I leave my party to join yours?

Good question. Let me put it this way, we offer however a fresh experience of politics, and the chance to be part of a new community who want to make a difference to eCanada without any bullshit. We take pride within who we are and look to supporting new players, introducing them to politics and the most enjoyable part of the game, which is of course the community.

Thank you for reading.
TL😃R: We are a new party, we have new ideas. Come try us out.

- Pat Harper [USRP PP]