Day 2,071, 07:18 Published in Canada United Kingdom by Pat Harper

Canadian citizens, allies and friends.
I would like to thank every single one of you for fighting in the resistance war against Spain. The odds were vastly against us but we managed to put up a great fight.

We managed to hold up right to the end, with the scores at 77-77 in the last battle.

Hundreds of thousands of CC were spend hiring mercenaries and assisting players all round.

I would like to give a special shout out to MEK for their damage, Ireland for their huge support and generous donations + loans, Umbra Bellator, Connor Mac, Armour144 and EVERYONE else for the massive amount of damage.

Thanks to everyone who helped supply on IRC,
Thanks to ASGARD for their support,
Thanks to my cabinet,
Thanks to all those who fought for us from the goodness of their hearts.

We held our ground out there, and although we lost out on congress we can be proud that we have our honour. We were like the 300 Spartans at Thermopolae, greatly outnumbered, but went down fighting with honour intact.

Hopefully we can make a deal with Spain without delays or BS of any kind, but that will probably come down to the next CP.

On a side note, the battle was started in Spanish prime time, in the wrong region, I guess it was started by Spain or medal hungry dunces, either way it is amazing how well we did.

Final Score: 80-85 to Spain

Well done Canada, I salute you. o7