2010 is this the year?

Day 773, 09:04 Published in Australia Switzerland by Dan/naD Wilshire

Well happy New Year. Now let’s hope this year we don’t lose any land. This year could see the end of eGermany with the Poland baby boom helping them advance into German territory. It is also a worry that eMalaysia are losing its war to Indonesia and we can’t help them any more than we already are. Or can we?

We have also seen e Pakistan reappear on our erep map, and seen the expansion of Serbia into Turkey. This has split up eBelarus. eUSA are also expanding their territories into eIndia and eChina. While eNorth Korea are expanding into eSouth Korea, could we see a united Korea?

Now to eSouth America. eVenezuela has appeared back on the map along with ePeru. This is a good sign, because it shows eBrazil getting weaker which could help eSouth Africa.

eEurpoe. Poland taking over Germany, Serbia taking over part of turkey. eHungary expanding into eRomania. No more eBelgian, all has been taken over between eUK and eNetherlands. eUK have also taken over part of Denmark, along with Sweden, and Germany. eSpain is eating its way into eFrance.

What will happen this year? Well it could be up to you. Have a healthy new year. Or as Spock from star trek “live long and prosper” \\//