1st armoured chronicles (chapter 6)

Day 1,371, 02:56 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Henry Hank Moody

Maybe not the best chapter but hope you still enjoy it.

Lieutenant Brayford moved silently from abandoned car to empty bus and back to an abandoned car. He knew that UK’s finest and close to 30 of the finest soldiers in the world were moving silently with him.

The Poles were somewhere ahead Brayford could hear the crack of gunfire and the occasional deep booming explosion as a grenade detonated. The target of all this fire was obvious. Dakota was under attack with the rest of her assault column and it was up to Brayford and UK’s finest to rescue her and finally put an end to this bloody mission.

“We have eyes on the enemy.” The voice crackled through the headset and Brayford quickly moved to the soldier on the other end of the line.

“Where El Fidel?”

“There sir,” replied Fidel pointing to a cross roads bathed in darkness but as he watched Brayford saw a flash of light and then another until he could see dozens of soldiers moving slowly between the burnt out shells of tanks, jeeps and civilian cars. A quick check through his scope picked out the Polish army insignia on their arms and a smile pulled at the corners of his mouth.

“Sir we have the enemy.” Reported Brayford as he contacted UK’s finest. Within seconds Finest was with them.

“Excellent. Into position men. Get ready to bring death to the enemy and do your unit proud.”

“Oorah.” Came the reply as 1st armoured moved into position for assault.
Another few metres closer to the enemy and the 1st armoured was ready. UK’s finest gave the command and all hell broke loose.

Brayford rose, his eye glued to the scope, finger tentatively hugging the trigger and crosshairs moving across the scene. Without even thinking about the process the crosshairs found a Polish soldier and the trigger found the biting point, broke through it and a bullet slammed into the enemies head sending bone and brain flying.

More Polish fell as the ambush bit into their side but as they turned to fire upon the new threat their original target fired back and before they knew what was happening the Polish were under attack from two sides.

Firing again and again Brayford emptied countless magazines and was soon down to his sidearm.

“Fear once sown grows quickly and spreads through the surrounding men.”

The old quote came unbidden into Brayford’s mind, but as soon as he heard it he knew the truth behind it. First one Pole threw down his weapon and then ran and within seconds the entire unit of Polish soldiers was routing and running from the vengeful guns of the 1st armoured.


“If It wasn’t for you sir we would have been killed. Of that I have no doubt,” muttered Horice as he gripped UK’s finests’ hand.

“We leave no man behind Corporal you know that. Now let’s get out of here. We have to get Dakota and our other casualties seen to.”

UK’s finest ran alongside the stretcher bearing Dakota his gun searching the dark windows lining the street and they didn’t stop running until the streets of Paris were far behind them and the men of 1st armoured were safely seated in the Humvees of the convoy.

The casualties were being treated but things were not looking good for Hank or Dakota and Woolfie with his missing head was most certainly dead, his body wrapped up in a linen sheet and head mopped up into a bucket thanks to the heroic actions of Octavian.


Back in the lead convoy UK’s finest was struggling to keep his calm as he spoke on a phone.

“Yes sir I understand Poland is supposed to be an ally but we couldn’t just sit by and watch as they raped and pillaged Paris.” Suddenly UK’s finest punched the Humvees window cracking one knuckle and cracking the window in the process. “Well fuck you then Mr President. If you don’t want 1st armoured plenty do want our help. See how you survive without us.”


Dakota’s sparkling blue eyes had one last shine before they clouded over and greyed forever. The loud final beep of the machine was quickly shut off as the Medics ceased their efforts to save her life. They were covered in her blood as was much of the truck in which they were working but no matter how much blood they pumped back into her body and now matter how much and how long they tried they failed to save her life.

“Call it Private,” muttered Sergeant Medic as he punched the metal floor of the truck in frustration. “What the fu….”

The hand grasped his throat and crushed his windpipe in a split second before throwing the Sergeants limp body away like a rag doll.

The private watched in horror as the body of Dakota sat up, looked at him with the milky white eyes of the dead reached out a hand and flipped him off. A smile split across the dead face, the teeth falling out in a sudden cascade of bone as the hair also fell out in clump leaving just a few strands remaining from her once luscious head of hair. Dakota's laugh was a throaty rumble and was soon followed by the Medics scream.