[Week2] NueveOcho's eShame Report [EN]

Day 1,790, 08:07 Published in India Spain by NueveOcho the Despoiler

Hi everyone, this is my eShame list for this week. Players and eCountries, don't get angry with me if I call your name, ultimately, I didn't put you on this list, YOU DID, let it begiiiiin:

On the Top 3 we have anyone that critizesed CalvoSotelo, former eSpain minister of defense, I know he should have said anything wrong or offensive about the Spanish MU, but do you really need to be butthurted about this. He wasn't doing a bad job anyways, I'm sure whoever becomes MoD won't do it any better.

On the Top 2 we have Turkey, I'm sure is not a secret that in the last week Turkey backstabbed 2 allies, Israel and Iran, I mean, who is going to be next? Greece?, Cyprus?, maybe China? No wonder anyone trust you, what will be your next move, leave EDEN and join CTRL? Please, just quit your backstabbing attitude and do something good for once.

This week the Get Out Of eShame Free card goes to
Rebelash, why? Because even though he is only level 30 he donated 30,000 INR and 4000 Q5 food to the Ministry of Education, that shows how great person you are. Keep up your good work.

On the Top 1 we have
Zhestkin , self called troll and 2nd worst CP of eSpain. Today I won't shame his horrible CP career, even though I could make a 100 items list about what he did wrong, today I will recall his offesive comments about many players parents and specially towards another player, Lantanique , who suffered Zhestkin's insults, Zhestkin, in none of your matter what Lantanique writes about in her articles, if you don't like it just shut your mouth, and of course, don't call her a b*tch. In this article wrote by Espaugyl we can find more information. Seriously Zhestkin, you should know that being a troll is not about insulting people and their mothers, people like you make me sick and should be permabanned. Self called King Chuchi I of eSpain, this lesson is for you too. Do you see this Zhestkin, is the brown paper bag of eShame, wear it with pride. Till next week.

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