[Week 3] NueveOcho's eShame Report [EN]

Day 1,797, 11:51 Published in India Spain by NueveOcho the Despoiler

Hi everyone, this is my eShame list for this week. Players and eCountries, don't get angry with me if I call your name, ultimately, I didn't put you on this list, YOU DID, let it begiiiiin:

On the Top 3 we have Colombia, why? Because they are acting like butthurts, is really that hard to understand that Brazil is now in CRTL, we all know that you used to be allies, but not anymore, I believe is normal that they are helping Spain againt you. Shame.

On the Top 2 we have EDEN. Where's Ukraine in the map? And Albania? And Iran? And Bosnia? Italy, Portugal, Netherlands, Norway, Romania and Colombia are about to disappear. Brotherhood? I don't think so. Shame? For sure.

This week the Get Out Of eShame Free card goes to Prophet009, nice way to show his brotherhood and frienship towards his allies. He is the Proof that Spoland is a true brotherhood. Canada should be aware of that nest time they NE Spain.

On the Top 1 we have Henry Pfeiffer Arundel, Do I really have to say why? Dude, who in his sane mind writes and ultimatum to Poland? He is in your same alliance, and stronger than you. If they want to keep his MMP with Hungary shut your mouth and go cry a river in your room. Too bad hanibal LA is not the PotUS, he would be much more smart. Oh! Was the message for the new citizen a serious matter? If yes you deserve a to be permabanned for being an as*hole. I can't wait for the impeach.
Do you see this? Is the brown paper of shame, normally goes to the TOP 1 of shame, but you don't even deserve it.

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