[Week 1] NueveOcho's Magazine [EN]

Day 1,788, 03:47 Published in India Spain by NueveOcho the Despoiler

Hi y'all. Today I'm starting my own magazine, where I will talk about many different things, both RL and eR related, and I will always include an interview with other player. I hope you enjoy it 🙂.


So, finally after 4 years of innactivity Metallica considers creating a new album, so rock lovers, get ready to enjoy.

Adele's Rolling in the deep reachs top 1 song in USA.

The rolling stones release Grrr, an album including some of their best hits like Satisfaction, Brown Sugar and Miss You, just to show the great quality of this band who turns 50 this year.


The Tennesee Titans, led by veteran QB Matt Hasselbeck beat the Pittsburg Steelers 26-23 after soring a 40 yds FG as time expired.

Could Portugal beat Russia without Pepe and Cristiano? Only time will tell.

Derrick Rose may be out for the season due to his knee problems, that will be a heartbreak for the Chicago Bulls.

The New York Jets are hosting this Sunday the Indianapolis Colts, are we finally going to see some Tebow Time?


This is Plato:

This is one guy getting rich:

This is Plato's referrer, eSocrates:

And of course Plato's multi account refer, eAristotles:


Colombia and Venezuela are going to host an orgy, Colombia, Taiwan and maybe Portugal vs Spain, Mexico and Venezuela. Start saving Bazookas and Energy Bars, seems like we are gonna need them.

The Baltic (Or the new Balkans) is the more active war so far, will the new war in South America change that?


As my very firts interview for my new magazine I've got an interview with Portugal's CP Lucifel.

1. How long have you been playing eR?

1512 days 😁

2. What do you think about the changes in the last months?

I don’t like pretty much the military module, i think it has made much more strict the fighting between players, in closed divisions. Continue to give great importance to tankers which i think it’ wrong. But unfortunately i see the game becoming as we speak a gold buyers world. I had much more fun some years ago than now, which if i think carefully about it, i notice most of people who play never had the chance to see the difference.

3. Which was your motivation to become Cp of Portugal?

I think to be a CP, means a lot. Not just personally but also globally. The citizens in your country trust you, give you the opportunity to prove your value and to make some improvements in your country. Also if you want to give that step towards the presidency you know what’s coming, less sleep, more meetings, more planning. Right now my country needs me, like all the portuguese we have, however i thought that i should get up from the couch and try to do more than a citizen can. Hope i can bring good news for Portugal soon enough.

4. Who do you consider the best and the worst CP od Portugal?

That is something tricky, there were so many... many of them green and not being able to understand how hard this can be. There is many things you can criticize in a CP, however the balls to go in front of all to lead a country is not one of them. I think in all eras or periods of a country you’ll have the best and the worst. Referring names it’s not my thing. For the best i miss them and for the worst i don’t want to remember them.

5. It has been a while since Spain swept Portugal. Do you think the war that is about to start in South America will
help Portugal recover territories?

As a player seeing this question i think that if Spain is focused in a battlefront a second battlefront would always be something that could help us. However Portugal is not only war, it’s diplomacy also, and we are not afraid of raising arms, and we can do it when we want to. I think Spain has somethings that are very similar to Portugal, maybe because their are both latin people. People have the chance to do things right, and if they don’t they risk to lose their better chances i guess.

6. What is your personal opinion about the economy? Do you think it will last for long?

This is not economy this is slavery undercover... The economic module is dead. Admins were greedy manipulating the bot in the market and the effects are being seen daily. They promissed news and upgrades in that module, but i still haven’t seen anything. Hope it will be as soon as possible!

7. If Spain and Portugal end the war, which country would you like to invade?

Poland just to keep high spirit and to give the payback about invading our lands 😁 ok now more seriously, there is no death enemy on Portugal’s back like a cross that haunts us. We will strike to defend our allies, we can strike for bonuses, or we can strike because our battlefront is vital to some type of global strategy. I think these are the only options. According to which you pick you can have a different target.

8. In military terms, how do you consider Portugal?

I think Portugal is a good example of what a small country can do to achieve great things. The development of Portugal even in a phase of no territories is somewhat admirable. I see some internacional voices saying that we don’t have any chance of winning, and they are so wrong. No country is invencible, and Portugal as a strong will to fight in the most adverse conditions, that’s trully a wonderful thing to see.

9. Which one do you consider your biggest archievement?

Having so many friends ingame that make me really proud of sharing my time with. All the rest are side effects of our way of thinking and playing.

Now a few short question, answer them with just a few words

10. Favourite drink?


11. Favourite song?

I have many of those.

12. Porto or Benfica?

You didn’t prepare for the interview... otherwise you would know already that the answer would have been obvious: Sport Lisboa e Benfica!

13. Among Casillas, Iniesta, Cristiano, Messi and Pirlo, who do consider that deserves the Balon D'or?

Hard to say... Not Casillas... Pirlo is pure genious but old and prolly won’t have his recognition for the big career he built. Iniesta is a admirable player and he’s not old to achieve it if now right now. It all comes to the duel between Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi. I would have to go to Cristiano Ronaldo, not because he’s portuguese, but cause the things he does and the way he plays, it requires much more effectiveness by himself that Messi usually doesn’t use. However they are equivalent in skill... so don’t torture me in this dilemma lol.

14. is there anything else do you want to say to my readers?

I would say to sponsor and to motivate you to write, interview, investigate, research, question, ask, debate, point, criticize and to realize that you can do better on a daily basis. Aim for the top!
Thank you for your invitation, i wish you and to your readers the best!

Moito Obrigado Lucifel, boa sorte.

Coolpic, and remeber to vote, subscribe and shout