[WAR] Global Orders - Day 1256 - 20:45

Day 1,256, 04:50 Published in Romania North Korea by Silexu

There is something that I always wanted to know. What are the official orders in different countries.

Therefore I will try to make a summary of them from some of the countries. I will start in the beginning with a reduced list to receive some feedback, and if there is interest I will extend it.

I will put for each country the link to the official newspaper, battle orders and last update hour.

Please let me know if you find this information useful, and/or if you want it in another format.

- Poland, Spain and USA countries added
- Presentation layout changed a little

Ministerul Apararii - Dobrogea, Crisana - 20:45

Hadugyi Kozlony - Crisana, Dobrogea - 20:45
Hrvatski vojnik - Leningrad Oblast - 20:45
Vojska Srbije - Western Serbia - 20:45
Armeiski Vestnik - Lazio, Western Macedonia - 20:45
Ethniki Amina - Al Jawf, Lazio - 20:45
Ministerstwo Obrony - Franche-Comte - 20:45
Boletin de Defensa - Virginia, Dobrogea - 20:45
DoD Orders - HOLD - 20:45

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