[VS464] Romanians Steal 1000 Gold From Singapore?

Day 464, 02:03 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by Masila
This is my Voiceless Screaming

As what i write at my last article, Romanians go to Singapore and take the Congress seats. They make a party and guess how much member it is at the party? Only 9 now... Wow
This is the party link:
This is the member:

Can you imagine a party with only 9 members can take 60% of the congress seats?
Look at this one:

If you calculate the vote for this party, you have this number:
15 + 15 + 14 +14 + 14 + 14 = 86

Jeez, can you imagine that? Is it only some people? Can you ask 80 of your friends and go to vote for 6 citizen?

They also place only 6 member at the congress election... And they all are qualified. Is it only accidentally?

There's some Iranian too, look at this one. This is what Romanians will do:

Lets bring béke to this Romanian

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Seperti yang udah gw tulis di artikel gw yang lalu, Romanians pergi ke Singapore dan nyoba menguasai kursi DPR di sana. Mereka ngebuat sebuah partai dan tebak, berapa banyak anggota tuh partai? Cuman 9, busettttt (ga pake aku tertipu lagi)
Nyh linknya:
Nyh anggota2nya:

Kebayang kagak sih kalo partai beranggotakan cuman 9 orang bisa dapet 60% kursi di DPR?
Liat ini:

Kalo lw itung, nah bakalan dapet angka ini:
15 + 15 + 14 +14 + 14 + 14 = 86

Kebayang kagak? Bener itu orang semua? Mau kagak 80 temen lw terbang ke tempat lw di negara antah berantah terus ngasi vote buat 6 orang?

Terus mereka emang dari pertama cuman naro 6 orang wakil... Dan semuanya berhasil kepilih. Bener cuman kebetulan? Bukannya sapi?

Liat nih orang2 Iran. Ini yang juga mau dilakukan sama orang2 Rumania:

Mari bawa damai pada mereka!!!

"Dunia Ini Takkan Berwarna Bila Tiada Merah Di Sana"