Day 457, 17:03 Published in Turkey Indonesia by Masila

Morning all

The world eyes is looking at Turkey. A big war spread here. Although only a RW, but the sound is heared by all people in the world. From big building in Argentina to the roads at Manila. People waiting for another news and another fact from the war.

Why this war is so big? Because it is not only a fight at Erepublik, this is about RL too, it is so close and related one to another. This war is eWorld and also RL war. Many people which like Israel in RL came here and try to make Israeli Freedom. And from the other side, people come here to make them vanished.

Many argument appears, one side for Isreali and the other side for Turkey. It is not about Peace-Atlantis again. It is about Pro Israel and Contra Israel. I looked some people from Atlantis Nation fight for defender, otherwise i saw my friends from Peace come for the ressistance. Is it right or is it bad? It's all come back to you, which part you take.

As we know, Turkey has lost at the 2 battles. But is this over yet? I dont think so
So for Israel, i must say Congratulation
And for the Turkish, this is not over yet my friends

Then lets go back to our barrack, and take some strategy. Manace your warcry and then LETS FIGHT my friends.

And for the last, i quote this from my friend that got banned, Custodian
"Till We Meet At The Battlefield"