[VS] My Point of View

Day 458, 05:08 Published in Singapore Indonesia by Masila

Hai all, looks like its being quiet here. So i try to make an article and this is it.

At Feb 25, we will have a congress election. Many campaign appear and make our media growing. Some asking about how many congressmen will we have, and i answer them with 10 since we have only one region.
1 Region = 10 Congressmen
2 Region = 20 Congressmen
3 Region = 30 Congressmen
4 Region = 40 Congressmen
5 Region = 40 Congressmen
40 Region = 40 Congressmen
41 Region = 41 Congressmen
42 Region = 42 Congressmen
If you want to know more about this, you can read this all:
Division of Congressmen
Division of Congress Members
The Scheme

Now we have 11 Company (correct me if i'm wrong). And if you can see here, we have 224 Total citizen. But what makes me confuse is the 11 company employ only 89 employee! Then where are the 135 citizen? Is they only clone or what?
Okey, if we only have 89 active citizen, then a question come to us. Is it great to have 11 company for 89 active citizen? I say NO!!! In V1 we know that the best productivity come if we have 10 employee for manufacturing and land company and 20 for constructing company. So if we calculate, the best productivity of Singapore come if we have 9 company, not 11!
I cant push you for not making a company, thats your right, but if we have a lot of company but lack of employee, than our economy will crash. GM will start to rise his offer at Human Resources. If the cost from salary is rise, then the GM must rise the price of his goods and we call that an Inflation. Our Currency will be priceless at the end and that makes investor and exporter from foreign country avoid our country. People will stop thinking to stay in this country again. Is that bad? Think about it bro.

DS and Hospital-Military
Some people said that we must make our military grow strong. Yeah, thats right, but how come? If you thinking for making Q5 Defence System and Q5 Hospital then thats bad (i think).
Formula of Wall Point
Wall Point = (Citizen in that region * 100) * (1 + (Q DS / 10))
Formula Hospital Healing Power
Healing Power = Q Hospital * 10

DS will be usefull if in that region, there are many citizen. If we only have 224 citizen, our wall point will be 22.400. If we put the Q5 DS there, our Wall Point will be 33.600. The price of Q5 DS is about 300 Gold. Is it good to exchange 300 Gold with 11.200 Wall Point? Look at these battle:
These Monsters did damages more than 10.000! So our 11.200 increasment is nothing for them.
I think 300 Gold will be good if we have more than 700 citizen, because 300 Gold is very big and can used to build our economy. And other cause that i said it is bad is what country want to attack us? As we see, Singapore only share border with 2 nation, Malaysia and Indonesia. I think a regional relations as ASEAN will be much better since we can potect each other. How much we must pay for this one? Zero! So this is much better.

Should we build Q5 Hospital? There's no market in this eWorld selling Q5 Hospital. So we must ask some nations to make it for us. How must we pay? It's about 400 Gold (Iran has ever searched this for 500 Gold). If we build a good relationship with our neighbour and build the ASEAN so we will never be invaded. If the reason is for helping another country from invation from our country, it's wrong too. For your information, propose MPP will spent 30 gold for both country. If we only have 224 citizen, no countries will make a MPP with us because its only spent their 30 gold for a little help. They would prefer give the 30 Gold to one of the strongest Field Marshall to help them. Although we have 1.000 citizen, we still lack of strength. If we proposed a MPP with our great diplomation, with a reason to preventing us from invation, will they accept? No, they will thinking about our condition. What country will attack us if we have a great relationship with Indonesia? Will Malaysia, Thailand or Phillippine?

Dont say im not agree to put DS and Hospital at our city. I agree, but not now. Maybe there's a time when we have more than 1.000 citizen and our average strength is above 2.5. Or when one of the biggest country attack our neighbour and then we are face to face.

So for these days, building the economy and relationship with another country is the best one for us.

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