[UD] The Hitchhiker's Guide to eRep Current Affairs

Day 1,041, 11:49 Published in Sweden Norway by Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Hello, eSweden,

I've been aiming to write this article 2 days ago, however the weekend bar activity caught me in a state in which I shouldn't really write anything. Besides, judging by the activity of this newspaper, it's the high time someone broke the silence.

I guess you all wonder what's going on in the more international area of eRep life, so I'll try to update your info -- unfortunately in English, as my fluency in Swedish is pretty limited :F.

Those following the international press carefully have surely noticed that nothing really interesting has been happening past 3 weeks. Most probably it's a result of decrease in overall players number or lack of bigger interest in the game issues shown by most of eRep citizens.

eSweden is safe, no one seems to be planning any serious invasion on our country, we pay EMC fees, EDEN doesn't want to kick us out; we aren't also planning to attack Germany, since 4 MPPs against us seem to be enough AND we do not have the kind of money needed to waste in there.

Some new countries are going to be added to eRepublik, however none of them is located closely to eSweden, with a sole exception of eBelarus, which will most probably fall under Polish or Russian PTO. The choice of the new additions is rather controversial, as the flame wars between Greece and the "Add Macedonia" movement (or between Turkey and Greece over Cyprus) are already legendary.

Our main adversary, Phoenix, seems to be run only by Hungary and Serbia, with the rest of its members either looking for silent neutrality or sitting quietly, focused on their internal issues. On the other hand, some countries like eRussia experienced some unusual allied activity.

Our own alliance, EDEN, has been rather quiet as well. One of the causes of this situation might be that half of the HQ was rather inactive or even facing eRep death. eSweden, as well as several other member countries took a stance that that state shouldn't last any longer, therefore some members of HQ have been replaced. I, in the name of eSweden, would like to thank those who left or resigned for all their work and passion.

The new EDEN HQ after the elections looks as follows:

Supreme Commander: Gabriel Lavanche
Assistant Supreme Commander: Ariakis

Military Organizer: Petsku
Assistant Military Organizer: wangxiaoyaii
Assistant Military Organizer: Romper

Economic Organizer: Durruti
Assistant Economic Organizer: Himo Cetvrtina
Assistant Economic Organizer: arcadia

IS😨 Rod Damon
aIS😨 Sirbeg

PR: [vacant atm]
aPR: CelticTiger211

The main decision makers, such as the Supreme Commander, have been long known as experienced and dedicated players. We believe that their invaluable experience will be the key factor during the incoming months. Good luck!

Also, the HQ is currently looking for writers who would like to cooperate with the EDEN Press Dept. The only requirements are willingness to participate in its activities, fluency in English (which shouldn't be unusual in eSweden : )) and a little bit of creativity. If you'd like to take part in the project, contact me and I will pass your name to a person responsible for coordinating it.

If you'd like to pursue a diplomatic career, you can also become eSwedish ambassador. The diplomatic service is looking for active people willing to represent eSweden in Phoenix countries -- the EDEN ones aren't really needed. I won't hide the fact that ambassadors in such a world power as our country are not vital, nevertheless it's always a great opportunity to meet new people and hook in the international community. Should you be interested, do not hesitate to contact Sizzla!

Anyway, if any of you has any questions regarding the international affairs in which I might be able to help, you can meet me frequently on #erepublik.se. Let me also assure you, the MoFA is no-lifing, even though I hate writing articles and focus my activity on IRC ;d.

Kind regards,