[Swedish MoFA] Ostlandet was a mistake - blame the baby!

Day 1,225, 06:37 Published in Norway Norway by Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Greetings, Norwegians and fellow Scandinavians.

I would like to address the current situation on the battlefield and point out that this was not part of some evil Swedish scheme or anything of the sort. Without further ado, here's our official apology on behalf of our president who ought to know not to stay up so late in the evenings.

Ostlandet will be released either through RW or when we lose initiative.

We have no intention of keeping that region, but in order to speed up the region swaps it would be in everyone's best interest if Sweden wins this battle and moves on to attack Sørlandet according to the original plan.

After we have the trade route established, we will attack and lose the initiative and you can move on to attack Trøndelag, Jämtland Härjedalen and Ostlandet (unless no one has RW:d it yet).

We apologize for any inconvenience and speculation this may have caused.


Valnad, President of Sweden
w3st3rb3rg, MoFA of Sweden
Mr_W, Commander of TSM (and soon-to-be caretaker of above mentioned baby)