[SWE] The truth about the Sweden-Germany conflict

Day 544, 15:00 Published in Romania Sweden by Svenska Statens Infocenter

This is an article written by the Swedish government regarding the situation between Sweden and Germany.

Sweden has ever since the foundation of Atlantis, been one of the core nations in the alliance, we’ve been called “the rock of Atlantis”. Sweden has, after Romania, been the nation dealing the most damage in battles and we’ve spent many thousands of gold protecting other Atlantis countries. We have offered to lend massive amounts of gold to nations in need of it. We’ve sent our army all over the world to prevent TO. When Norway got TO by Hungary, who then threatened to attack and conquer Finland, we prevented them by taking the bordering region between the two countries, and we paid for it ourselves, for the good of Atlantis. We’ve never asked for anything in return for all these favors. But now we ask Atlantis to not let Germany join Atlantis. Germany is not an Atlantis member, but a trial member. Sweden does not request Atlantis to kick out a member, only to not let Germany join Atlantis.

The question why Sweden wants to attack Germany is the one that is most frequently asked. The history between Sweden and Germany dates back a long time, and we have been at war several times. The war that has any relevancy now is the second one. The second time we attacked Germany, it was because of the polish political takeover that occurred after Germanys conquering of Poland. So basically, what we did was to help Germany get rid of their polish congress. This action was something that a lot of well-known Germans, such as DKN, agreed with. In the meantime we spoke to Poland about releasing their original regions as soon as possible. Sweden was also going to give Germany back the country when the time was right. At the end of the beta period Germany wanted the country back, which was impossible because Admin had turned off the RW feature until V1 was released.

A short time after V1 was released Sweden gave Germany half of the country back and kept the other half to be returned as soon as “Operation French toast”, a failed Atlantis attack on France, was over. The deal Sweden made with the government in Germany was that after the war with France, Sweden would give back all the remaining regions except for Schleswig-Holstein, which Sweden would keep permanently because it was a High Grain region. Sweden’s original regions do not contain any High regions, while Germany had 3, all of them in grain. “Operation French Toast” was unsuccessful, and Sweden were about to give Germany back the regions. But in the 10th of January Germany started RW in all the regions with massive amounts of help from PEACE GC, spitting on Sweden and our deals. Germany and PEACE managed to take back every region from Sweden, even Schleswig-Holstein. Germany got a Swedish Q5 DS in the region after the RW as well due to a bug. After that we spent four months trying to negotiate peace with Germany which we both would be happy with. We wanted to get SH back and get paid for our Q5 DS. The response we got was that we could buy SH from Germany for 5000 gold! After that the negotiations with Germany has been at a standstill, especially as it for a long time looked as Germany was going to join PEACE GC. But Germany decided to become a passive member of Atlantis, something Sweden voted Yes for in the Atlantis forum. We thought that this was a perfect chance to finally get peace with Germany. But that is something that has yet to happen.

In the short time that Germany has been a trial member in Atlantis, they’ve already been able to leak secret Atlantis information. Sweden has given Germany chance after chance to be trustworthy and every time they spit in not only our face but in Atlantis face as well. Sweden has done all we can to negotiate with Germany, but it has not matter what we have offered them, they always want more. They are unreasonable and untrustworthy, which they have proved time after time, and we Swedes refuse to let them spit in our faces any longer. That’s why we no longer see any other way out of this. Sweden’s last offer to Germany has been sent to them, an offer which has been leaked to the UK, who then posted it in an article posted in Sweden.