[SSI] Utrikesdepartementet söker nya Ambassadörer

Day 758, 04:16 Published in Sweden Sweden by Svenska Statens Infocenter
Utrikesdepartementet är i stort beroende av en vid bredd av Ambassadörer i alla världens hörn och skrymslen. Det är ett rapporterings- och representationsorgan till och från omvärlden i eSverige's namn. I dagsläget består Utrikesdepartementet av:

Utrikesminister Lidskjalf
Vice Utrikesminister Sökes

- 4fun
Sydamerika 2
- Per-Fredrik
- SwedenCitizen
- Alecian
- Roxort

Vänligen läs igenom följande arbetsbeskrivning för en ambassadör om du är intressera😛

Ambassador - Work Description

An ambassador is appointed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on behalf of eSweden. This person is a direct representation to/from eSweden. The ambassador is responsible for maintaining and governing an embassy in the country/countries they have been assigned by the Minister of Foreign Affairs or its appointed contact. Each ambassador has a direct reporting duty towards the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Ambassador guidelines
- Visibility, an invisible ambassador is not representative for eSweden. Activity is demanded!
- Spreading information, when we make changes in our government or have an announcement to deliver to allies/other countries from eSweden, the ambassadors will deliver this immediately.
- Reporting duty, if anything is changed in the country/countries assigned to the ambassador they will immediately report this back to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in their respective forum. Weekly reports will be reported to the ministry.
- Information Orchestration, all questions/inquiries regarding MPP or the military will be directed directly to the President/Vice President and/or the Minister of Defence. The ambassador will not handle this question themselves, they will direct the question to the aforementioned points of contact.
- Representative, the ambassador will behave when in contact with other countries as a official delegation of eSweden. They will inform and advertise eSweden's businesses, workers and contacts.

Ambassador budget
The congress made a descision that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have 200 SEK / month to spend per active ambassador. Out of these the ambassador will get 40 SEK / month for their service. Each weekly report delivered will be rewarded with 20SEK / week. The rest is reserved to cover unexpected expenses and to reward exceptional work by the ambassador.

Ambassadors are asked to visit these forums frequently. To quickly spread information from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a shout will be issued from the Erepublik Organisation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.Because of this all ambassadors are required to add the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as their friend.

Utrikesdepartementet söker främst Ambassadörer till följande länder
Balkan 1 (Bosnien-Hercegovina/Kroatien)
Balkan 2 (Turkiet/Serbien)
Norden (Finland/Norge/Danmark)
SOL 2 (Australien/Pakistan/Singapore/Sydafrika )
Sydamerika 1 (Brasilien/Peru/Colombia/Venezuela)
Sydamerika 2 (Uruguay/Argentina/Chile/Bolivia)

Men det går självklart bra att söka andra länder också.

Om ni har ett intresse av att söka en post som ambassadör, vänligen fyll i nedanstående ansökningsformulär och skicka det till Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Talar/Skriver/Läser följande språk Utmärkt/Bra/Grundläggande:
Önskemål om Land/Grupp av länder att vara Ambassadör för:
Varför ni vill bli Ambassadör:
Övrigt värt att nämna:

Det finns inget slutdatum för sista ansökning för Ambassadörer, Utrikesdepartementet är ständigt utvecklande