[Social] I hate this game!

Day 1,581, 15:48 Published in Romania North Korea by Silexu

Because is addictive. And I don't understand why.

I am staying at 1AM in the morning watching a strange RW to give some damn hits which are not for my DO that I HAVE to do daily to get the f...ing bazooka and candy bar that I am saving for weeks to fight in a strange war for a CH medal in which another guy is fighting for the same medal and we do not communicate and we are wasting our resource and valuable RL time.........


did you understood something? I did not!

so I wrote an article (the previous one: Battle of Gods) with the dream to get some more votes and subscribes for another medal I miss; hmm that seems to be a meaningful scope in this game to get the f...ing MM medal. So I am refreshing the article screen to see if there are more voters to my article.

does it make sense to you? It does not for me.

Damn, where is that eRepoholic meeting? So I can speak freely and be freed?


- Hi, my name is Silexu and I am eRepoholic.
- Hi Silexu.
- Yesterday I did not do my DO, I could log in the morning before DC and do it but I could resist.