[ShadowFox] Mercenary + Supply updates.

Day 2,024, 15:06 Published in Canada United Kingdom by Pat Harper
I am making a short article to confirm all changes, new systems, supplies and general information.

Supplies will be dealt every weekend by a sign-in PM for the soldiers Mercenary Captain. The supplies at first will be 60 Q6 Tanks. Food will be given to anyone who requests it but will not be given in the main supply until I get some food factories. Rewards for ranking and battle hero medals will be given in the shape of 5 Q7 tanks. Please PM me to receive your tanks.
The supply will increase if we are more than comfortable.

The structure follows as so...
Core suppliers:
Commander - Pat Harper
2nd Commander - Umbra Bellator

Mercenary Regiments:
Gladiators - Captain: I-Bleed-Blue-93
1 regan cool
2 Punisher 1389
3 Zianni Vaatez
4 Gh0strr
5 pure212
6 cavefalcon1
7 Beaver180
8 Mr. Rodgers
9 ThePumaman
10 bleu et blanc

Renegades - Captain: Joshur
1 D.Phaneuf
2 Poseidon
3 Eli FlameHead
4 Alicization
5 rooman97
6 LF52
7 TitanSmash
8 General Esteban
9. Randall Flagg 1999

Commando's - Captain: CuppyCakeYums
1 Naktabar
2 Angelo Bonsi
3 Oliver Dietz
4 Blood Hearon
5 JayPunk
6 Jim BC
7 Gordan Freemans
8 Tanman
9 Byfieldinator

Rangers - Captain: xLil Ninjax
1 Goofandaspoof
2 Aballon
3 Tristtin
4 Thanatoric
5 Mirilien
6 Messina180
7 HeavyPanzer12
8 xLil Ninjax
9 hue1

I also make it compulsory to:
1. Work in a Mercenary factory under either myself or Umbra Bellator once we get a region back.
2. Use the Shadow Fox avatar.
3. Fight regularly and be active in the feed and respond to roll call/PM's.

How the mercenary shiz works:
Div 1: 30CC or G equivalent + MC (Moving Costs) + Weps

Div 2: 45CC + MC + Tanks

Div 3: 60CC + MC + Tanks

Div 4: 90CC + MC + Tanks

This is rough, and will not be put into action until supplies and roles start running smoothly.

Oliver Dietz - Supreme Marshal

Thank you to all our members for being patient this week, its been a lot to work on while doing exams and running a party at the same time. o7.

-Pat Harper-

As requested by MU members, Shadow Hotties:
(We pretty much copied TCO on their structure so why not copy their articles as well)