[NoTie4CP] The Team

Day 2,753, 10:45 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by NoTie112

Dear citizens of the eNetherlands,

Without further ado, here's my team for next month. Of course, this is just a tentative team; if you're interested to join us be sure to send me a message!

For an insight in my plans and intentions, I refer to my previous articles:

The Announcement
The Manifest

Country President: NoTie112
Vice President: Kordak

Minister of Home Affairs: Spir Tus
State Secretary of Home Affairs: Legendardisch

Minister of Foreign Affairs: WillemTheConqueror
State Secretary of Foreign Affairs: Arcanic Mindje
State Secretary of Foreign Affairs: Mattio

Minister of Defense: Walhallah
State Secretary of Defense: Gen. de La Rey
State Secretary of Defense: Andreas Isaksson

Minister of Finance: Trannsvaal

Minister of Information: Konnes
State Secretary of Information: Gwom


Kind Regards,

Presidential Candidate