[NoTie4CP] Announcement

Day 2,751, 05:28 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by NoTie112
Dear citizens of the eNetherlands,

I'm happy to announce that I'll be running for Country President for June. Less happy I am about the current situation and atmosphere of the eNetherlands, which especially made me decided upon running for this prestigious and important post. There's no need for pointing fingers, as that will only fasten the collective threatening downfall of our country. In recent events which should have unified our country and required the unquestionable loyalty to the red-white-blue banner, we collectively lowered ourselves to scapegoating and infighting. The results are perfectly clear. We've been squashed by a nation (our former long-time ally Germany) we - with effort - could easily fend off and are bickering of our foreign allegiances ever since, only causing us to be even more weakened on the international stage than we already were.

I want to reverse the tide and bring the Netherlands back to the place in the sun it deserves, regardless of how humble our ambitions are forced to be. Regardless of my obvious backers, I'll exhaust my hardest efforts to represent the whole of the eNetherlands, despite the strong bipartisanship we currently are suffering under. My past clearly indicates that I'm capable of doing so, having worked with every extreme and friend and foe alike. Only then we'll be able to collectively decide upon choices that should have been made months, if not years ago, like the question on our foreign policy and especially our allegiances. Despite my previous presidencies, the experiences I've built and the fires I've stood in front of, I see this as the ultimate challenge. And I'm ready to tackle it.

Kind regards,

Presidential Candidate