[NoTie112 for President!] Restoration of the eNetherlands.

Day 2,145, 07:30 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by NoTie112

She's voting NoTie - The only candidate with plans!

Dear citizens of the eNetherlands,

I’d like to take this opportunity to present my view on what the eNetherlands should look like in October. Of course, I already published an article regarding my candidacy for Country President earlier this week, but I want to give my more detailed views on the plans I shared with you. More so, with this way I want to deal with the given criticism on my candidacy by offering the Netherlands full and complete information regarding - if elected - NoTie III. This transparency has been lacking lately in the eNetherlands - some Presidential Candidates didn’t even publish any article about their intentions.

Why I chose to represent this manifest? I want to give the eNetherlands an alternative option in the elections, which they currently have not: The only candidate that is seriously considered (Van Spijck) represents a president leadership that in my eyes doesn’t deserve to be awarded once again (actually, the 10th time!) with the presidential seat. The so-called opposition has caved in to populism and is now supporting the very reason of their opposition in the first place. This facade of a political alliance will result in a biased choice for the eNetherlands and an uneasy policy of weak compromises, instead of a strong nation based on unity (as many claim it does). I’m all for unity, but with a healthy competitive society which produces the best of each efforts. I don’t have to repeat that this attitude has given the eNetherlands in the past great activity, fun and action many times before.

The Issues:

*The Future of the eNetherlands (Goodbye Europe?)
We’ve just liberated one of our four regions from the Polish nation, which is an outstanding achievement by the eDutch population and their friends all over the world. However, the victory in one battle against Poland doesn’t result in actual liberty for us and we’re merely walking the first step as an independent nations again.

Politicians are doubting what direction the eNetherlands should take: Preserve our independence by force, or by negotiations? Another alternative is to artificially ‘move’ our country to another continent, away from our enemies and guaranteeing more or less continuing independence. Each of these options are controversial and shouldn’t be taken lightly. Treaties are one thing, moving our country is an even more complex and irreversible option which in no case can be done as is currently done by Van Spijck. These discussions deserve full and honest transparency and (proven) support by congress and the Dutch population.

*The Restoration of Dutch Democracy
The current state of the Dutch democracy is miserable at best: while most of the population is manipulated by the fact we still have (biased) presidential elections, more and more individuals call out for the establishment to stop fueling the aristocracy in the eNetherlands. In the darkest hour of the eNetherlands, ever since the occupation by Poland, a select group of individuals has settled themselves too well and formed an dangerous system of elitism.

While this process can hardly be influenced by the future Country President, at least steps can be taken to open up the bases of power in the eNetherlands. First of all, I want to put a stop to the current fictional Congress: Due to the fact we’re being occupied, no elections for congress could take place. Instead of weathering out the storm, the last-elected Congress decided on it’s own to extend its term to whenever we’re having those elections once again. Months later, an unrepresentative and unproductive congress is in charge of the eNetherlands. I will guarantee we’ll have a renewed Congress: either by in-game elections, or an alternative to the current system.

Not only congress has to change, the government does too. The last government dares to call itself an open and broad government of all factions in the eNetherlands, while it has been actively excluding people who are both willing to serve in a position and better at the tasks. Not only that, the amount of responsibility and transparency has been completely lacking too. I recall people we need continuity in the eNetherlands at this moment. They are right: The individual ministries and ministers are doing a good job, but the attitude and policies of the leader above them needs to change. I will guarantee continuity of the good parts of former governments, but will not continue the bad ones in the name of ‘continuity’

The eNetherlands will smile again!

I hope to have informed you enough on what NoTie III would look like, in the case of a victory. It all depends on what choice you will make on the 5th of October, though. I hope I’ll receive your vote; I believe it won’t be a wasted vote!

Presidential Candidate