[NOTIE/CP] Time for another Job / Unity & Democracy

Day 2,143, 13:04 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by NoTie112

Dear citizens of the eNetherlands,

We were shocked to see the sudden change of heart by ElGorro, in supporting Van Spijck. While this move has been admired by the whole of the eNetherlands, it also raises additional doubts. Libertas stands for unity in the eNetherlands, but also a fair democratic state: The current choices in the CP elections hardly reflect that. We do support any constructive approach for the future of the eNetherlands, but we will not bow down under the false premise of 'finishing the job'. What job exactly? - Van Spijck didn't even bother to announce any plans.

Libertas wants to offer an alternative for the current alliance of ElGorro and Van Spijck, which is questionable if that will last long. For example, ElGorro & Van Spijck have been continously bitching around for the last term, with major letdowns like the creation of a shadow eNetherlands community by each of the two sides. We do not believe this is a good base for future governments, nor do we believe Van Spijck deserves to 'finish the job' for the tenth time in eRepublik History. Continuing the current questionable state of affairs in the eNetherlands, under the premise of continuation (as if another capable Country President wouldn't be able to -try- to safeguard our current independence).

Therfore Libertas will not support the current options, but will offer an alternative on it's own. Hereby I announce that I, NoTie112, will run for Country President.

Summary of Plans for October 2013
- NO 'moving' our country to another region, without the full support of the eNL population and all relevant information public.
- Research the possibilities of maintaining our current independence.
- Open government, existing of -ALL- parties.
- Restoration of a fair and equal Congress.
- FULL transparency of CP & Government actions.

Presidential Candidate