[NoTie] Back In Congress

Day 1,585, 10:15 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by NoTie112

Yes, we're back!

Dear citizens of the eNetherlands,

I have decided to candidate for the congressional elections of the 25th of March. Not a very unusual event, as I've been an active congress member and member of our community overal for many months, indeed. However, I feel my candidacy is necessary this month for the following two reasons: I need to clean my name, which has been polluted by lies and fabricated claims. But more importantly, I'm thinking of national matters; There is much to improve in the current system of congress and other things which we don't need at all. (Yes, I'm looking at you, Dutch Imperialists regarding Belgium!)

First of all, I'm candidating for the congressional elections of the 25th of March, so I wish not to be looked on regarding events happened in the past, which opponnents will abuse to oust me out of the political scene. Anyhow, as I know how the Dutch political system works (filled with 'oude koeien') I'll care to talk about myself and my past. As said earlier, I'm an active participant of our country; I've tirelessly helped new eDutch players with starting up, and have even contributed to the political diversity by kickstarting The Dutch Progressive Party. Not only that, I've been president two times in the short history of our country which, in contrary to what the political opposition will say (but hey, their only task is opposing things), went stable, until one of the most devestating events in our history happened to us.

During my second term as President, our national banks and originations had been robbed. We, nor the admins, never got track of where our money exactly went (except for an amount of gold sent to Belgium) and this is the reason for frustration with many of our fellow citizens. This also effected the congressmembers, who suspect me of being the robber. They've decided to blacklist me, covering up their unjustified suspectation with 'lack of communication' although I had written two articles regarding the robbery and couldn't give any more information than was available. Meanwhile, they've decided to let other people, who had access to the robbed orginisations, sit in their places, while I advised Congress to replace them as well, as I did myself ( I resigned, as trust in my position as president was lost and could not be maintained without a clear suspect). I see a dangerous development looming over our country, where Congress can use made up claims and suspectations and act as 'moral judge' (while every democracy starts with splitting Congress from acting as judges.. see 'trias politica') and eventually ban political opponnents or others regarded 'undesired'. We need to stop this dangerous development, we need to stop the current appeasement politics regarding this subject! I'm the scapegoat speaking, which couldn't speak during 1933-1945.

In short:
*Make Congress clear it's an institute which can keep an eye on affairs, but not the one who decide them.
*Refrain from using Congress as court of Justice.
*Come up with a solution regarding the Dutch-Belgian war.
*And a point that always should be remembere😛 fight Dutch reactionary-nationalism, establish a progressive globalistic society.

I'm looking forward to contribute once again to our wonderful nation!

We're awaiting your vote in Western Netherlands on 25th of March!

Former President of the eNetherlands.