(NKG Info) Congress & Elections: National Security

Day 1,328, 10:08 Published in North Korea Ireland by OogieBoogie3

North Korean Guar😛 election information

Elections are imminent, and now that we are a 3 region state, we have 30 available congressional seats to be taken. Though many of you are young, with progressive mind, you probably lack the necessary experience to be a contender in a congressional election, but this doesn't mean you should try. This election, if we are liberated long enough to see it, will be crucial, we may be at risk for a possible political takeover from a foreign influence, so we must elect the highest experienced, most active, and most trusted candidates to remain secure, because we don't want to be giving anybody citizenship unless they have been thoroughly checked out. Speaking of which.
When the new congressmen arrive,it is your duty to keep this country safe from foreign political influence. No matter who requests citizenship, no matter what they may say to you, DO NOT trust them. Always check their accounts, their friends, find out who they are associated themselves with, where they are from. This information is very important when it comes to deciding who is friendly and can help this country, and who may be another vote influencing and reinforcing a political takeover attempt. Also, the North Korean Guard will direct you where to vote when proposals come up.

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Now I myself will be running for congress once more under the Volunteer Army, my platform is simple, I plan to expand (with your help) my already successful National Revenue Act, which is a series of tax reforms bent on giving the government sustainable revenue for programs, MPPs, or hospitals. I'll also continue running the NKG, set up embassies, and run diplomacy around the world. I hope to have your vote, and I'd like to wish the other candidates good luck. The elections are in about 2 weeks, so start rallying up your platforms now.

thank you