(NEW eCITIZENS) A Quick Guide to Get your Wellness MOJO up!

Day 810, 05:02 Published in Australia Australia by Arthinian

Hi all,
For those older players reading, this will be a walloftextMAXXX! so please chill.
Anyway 🙂

I though in would take the time and pull together some information from different sources and pass it onto you as a new citizen on eRepublik. The Australian New Ideas Party is a young party who believe that it important for everyone in the game to get their voice heard and to participate as a healthy citizen in the new eWorld. We also realise that it is not always easy to get your head around how it all works. So let me outline the basics, and i hope that by my drawing together of different information and articles i have outlined how you can get to that elusive 90+ wellness mark that so many have talked about.

Put simply, the higher your wellness is will be reflected by being more productive you are in your Job. The more you are productive in your Job in eAustralia, the more effective eAustralia is in its economy and over all ‘health’. It is important for both YOU and YOUR eCountry to maintain a 90+ wellness and to WORK at 90+!!

I have had many of your contact me about how you can raise your wellness before you reach the fighting level. There are few ways you can keep your wellness level at high enough levels so that you can be in good stead when your chance to fight finally arrives. Purchasing higher levels of food is one way. They are more expensive but raise your wellness by higher amounts each day. You should chip away each day and miss training if you need to keep your wellness at a level around 40 so you are able to fight when it comes time. If you are in a desperate state and you are below 40 wellness yet you are able to fight, contact these agency by placing their names in the citizen search bar just below the eRepublik time at the top of the page. Then click on the name when it appears and then click on send message. Then ask them for help in the message.These Companies and Orgs will be there to give you some gifts and food so you can become ready and able to fight!!!!
- Australian New Ideas
- PaPP Gifting & Donations
- ausEaid
- The Smith Family
- eFoodbank
I am sure there are plenty more great orgs out there that help, but i am currently not aware of them all.

All of these charities are there to help Australian eCitizens who are struggling with health and wellness issues, if take the time to contact them through Private Messages i am sure they will be happy to help you out. If you are still having difficulty, please PM me or the Australian New Ideas Party President and we will run you through a step by step process for those who need it.

So you have reached Level 5 and you are above 40 wellness and you are READY to get your fight on and kick some butt! It is important that you understand how fighting and using hospitals can GREATLY increase and manage your wellness so that you will only need low level food to keep you going.
A few Steps i have learnt along the way from other articles and players.


Step1. Check to see if there are any war-games on by clicking on ‘TRAINING GROUNDS’ under the ‘MY PLACES’ section and then clicking on ‘BATTLES YOU CAN FIGHT IN’ if there is a wargame on (usually between the Phillipines and Malaysia) clicking on that battle will show you where the war is and take you there. If there are other battles present, it always best to fight in those battles before the wargames.

Step 2. Please JUST FIGHT ONCE, AND ONLY ONCE do not fight any more!!!!!!!1

Step 3. You will need to visit the hospital and use it. Click on the ‘RETURN TO BATTLEGROUNDS’ button.

Step4. You will then need to click on the ‘HOSPITAL’ button.

Step 5. You will then need to click on the ‘HEAL’ button. This should then say, ‘have been healed for 50 wellness’

If you are currently living in the Northern Territory or Tasmania, you will not be able to heal because they currently do not have a hospital.

Now you should now have 80-100 wellness (probably more like in the 80’s), so try and keep it that way, if you work each day you will be a very productive members of eAustralia, which in the edn will help you to get pay rises. Don't get to excited and lose control and click fight again, because you can only use the HOSPITALONCE EREPUBLIK DAY. So please be aware of when the day changes over in republik.

The next time you fight you should only fight down to a wellness level of 50 and then heal, this will finally raise your wellness up to the AWESOME 100, where you should try to maintain and work at this level.

Anyway thanks for reading, feel free to vote and subscribe if you want, but more importantly practice the details outlined.
luck and hang in there!

Thanks for reading The Ooze

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