[MrCarey] The Cabinet of Greatness - PP June 2015

Day 2,759, 06:37 Published in USA USA by MrCarey
Good people of eUSA, I told you all I would share my potential cabinet with you all in my previous article. I will be announcing my Vice Party President, Director of Recruitment, Director of Media, and Director of Retention today. These are 4 key positions that contribute to the success of a political party.

If you missed my previous article which announced my run for Party President along with my vision/mission for the upcoming month (should I be elected), click here to check it out.

The successfulness of a Party President is directly relative to how his or her cabinet performs. In order to ensure a great month for WTP, I selected my cabinet accordingly. These people had to be ambitious, hard working, consistently available, and responsible.
Vice Party President - Blande: I chose Blande to be my VPP because I know he has what it takes to be successful at the job. Blande has had my back ever since my return to eRepublik back in August of last year. We’ve shared time together in multiple cabinets in WTP in the past. He was my successor after my initial 2 term PP run, and took over as Secretary of Education when I had to take my leave back in November. As I mentioned, he is a previous PP of We The People, and he did a fine job while he was at the helm. Because of these reasons, I am 100% confident that he will be an invaluable VPP to the party.
Director of Recruitment - Kalos Hoenn: This guy is one of the most ambitious newbies I’ve seen in a long time. When he joined WTP, he wanted to be involved and he put together a bunch of activities and events without hesitation. A Director of Recruitment needs to be ambitious. They need to be willing to take initiative, get in contact with new players, or people looking for a party to join, and make the necessary impressions to lock them in. There is no doubt in my mind that KalosHoenn will make a fine, energetic Director of Recruitment.
Director of Media - Foxi Roxi: A crucial element to the success of a party is media. If a party wants to be visible and connect with citizens of eUS, it needs to have efficient media. Foxi Roxi is the Queen of interviews and a damn good writer. She will only get better as time progresses, and I would have no other member in WTP right now at this Director position than her. She does a remarkable job with her own paper, and has been a wonderful deputy the past few weeks.
Director of Retention - MazzyCat: Another crucial position to the success of the party, and possibly the most important is retention. Directors of Retention are responsible for keeping party members active and engaged. They are the ones who keep party members logging in day after day, and getting involved in the party through means of inclusion. If you’ve been in WTP’s IRC channel, you’ll know exactly why Mazzy is the absolute perfect choice for this position. Not only is she super active and always willing to strike up a conversation, she is one of the original founders of WTP and wants nothing but to see its success.

So remember, a vote for me is also a vote for these fine people. It’s a vote for better media, better activity, and more party members. It’s a vote for forward progress, and it’s a vote for revival. To my fellow Party People, when you see the links to the primaries, take part and vote. Vote for these wonderful people by voting MrCarey!

Director of Media, WTP
Former Congressman, WTP