(MoFA) UPDATE: Progress & Nomination

Day 1,757, 19:33 Published in North Korea Ireland by OogieBoogie3

Hello citizens of North Korea, today is a good day. Thanks to the good work of ambassador II. wind, we now have an MPP with turkey on the way along side of our current protection pact with China.
Along with that, we have begun talks with Canada. Though nothing has been agreed to yet, the Canadian minister definitely has an interest. They are interested in a simple MPP.

We are also interested in the Alliance "Circle of Trust". No updates on that.

Also, I would like to nominate II. Wind as Vice Chairman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. If should choose to accept this nomination, it will be his duty to over-look all signed pacts and alliances, and report directed to the President with any updates regarding them.

Thank You, and have a great day.

Your Minister of Foreign Affairs: OogieBoogie3