[MoFA Update] New Immigration Wave In South Africa

Day 701, 16:57 Published in South Africa Romania by SA Min. of Foreign Affairs
Hello South Africa!
Good News,
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs' recent recruitment campaign (or Operation Exploding Fist as its known to my ambassadors and I, a joke from IRC) has been a huge success.
You may have noticed this article: Africa an eParadise? At the top of our media a few days ago. This was the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' attempt to reach out to the eWorld and let them know the good life we are living here in South Africa, hopefully drawing new citizens. And its worked.

Zamrg, our Minister of Intelligence informs me that 52 people have entered the country since the release of Exploding Fist five days ago! This is a huge spike from the normal immigration rate.
As these new South Africans stream in, my inbox has been overflowing with questions.
To answer many of them, look to Enoch's article here. Useful for all who are looking at how they can become involved in SA, not just the new immigrants.

What Does This Mean For South Africa?
Be Nice
We can expect to see a lot of new faces around. Rather than giving them a pitch for your party, why not just welcome them to South Africa, help them if they have questions, try to befriend them. Being pressured by a crowd of party ads is what I would expect when arriving in the USA for the first time. Here we should take a more personal approach. Welcome them as a South African, not an Independent Alternative, United SA, GP, Pro South Africa or African National Alliance member. Lets make sure they feel welcome.

Why we want them to stay!
I'm no economics man, Enoch could do a better job in this segment. (maybe I'll edit in a paragraph by him later on if he sends me one). But the benefits of higher population are easy to understand.
These are our goals,
1) To increase the work force, easing the labour shortage.
2) To increase demand, improving flooded markets.
3) Increase Tax Revenue
4) Increase Military Power
5) Bring New Faces to eSA, possible friends, fresh ideas.

Round Two
You can expect another round of recruitment after the next congressional election. We're holding off for now because of a citizenship approval shortage. We don't want people to be discouraged by their applications expiring as Zamrg and the good people working on Immigrations right now struggle to find for congressmen with remaining approvals. Once we have more approvals, you can expect to see this Africa an eParadise? [International] in the media again. Vote it up to help out.

I'll also be looking at starting a RL recruitment drive! By using an invite link associated with the government, we could pull in 5 gold for SA per successful recruit. Keep on the lookout for any gaming forums associated with South Africa, and send me a tip if you find a possible recruiting ground. Besides this, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be beginning a Country Profile series! Keep an eye on, and subscribe to the Foreign Affairs Report, and The Sounding Sea to learn about the rest of the eWorld.

Quick Sol Update
A bit of news on our Alliance, Sol.
Beginning with this article I'll be keeping people in touch with whats happening in Sol.

In Discussion:
-Whether to name Day 698 Officially as "Banhammer Day" To commemorate the vanquishing of Ajay Bruno. Looks like it has a lot of support!
-Whether to include the traditional roles of Imperator and Vizier in Sol conduct. They provide backup power structure in an emergency as well as prestige to those in the positions. I think its a great idea that would make Sol a little bit more unique.

In Vote:
-Grant the nation of Colombia Observer Status in Sol as requested- Motion Passed
-Statement of Support for India in Their Current Situation "Sol is behind you."- Motion Passed
-Procedure/Code/Boring Stuff You Don't Care About- Motion Passed
-Grant the nation of Uruguay Observer Status in Sol as requested.- Motion Passed
-Creation Of A Cabinet To Assist Sol Chairman- Motion Passed
-Chairman May Not Also Be An Advisory Representative or Representative- Motion Passed

Minister of Foreign Affairs
Sol Advisory Representative