[MC] Putting the nation (and ourselves) first.

Day 2,092, 16:19 Published in Canada United Kingdom by Pat Harper

Greetings my medical minions...


It's tough being the best, but its even tougher when Plato decides to tax you. Everyone without a congress is suffering equally so I will make it plain clear, IT IS EXPENSIVE TO SUPPLY! We are just about managing, but it is very important you keep working in our factories so we can get as many supplies down as possible.
I also want all of you to fight, strength training is for boring farts. If you cannot fight due to your personal economy, let me know and I will help you out.
Keep fighting Spain MC...


Take care of our own o7
I plan to set up a program inside my MU which generates money, either through lotteries/donations or personal funds and use it to upgrade our soldiers training grounds.
The minimum strength for a medic is 5000, the medics will be fully supportive of our players, nurturing them until they are mean lean fighting machines...

Being a medic is no easy profession mind. Politics is out the window when you join us. You can be political outside the MU but it is strictly forbidden inside, conversation is private and we trust each other as friends. The MU is open to any nationality but follows Canadian battle orders.


Get your official Medical t-shirts today...


Welcome Marshal858 on the scene, he's sexy.

1.No abuse to other medics but feel free to abuse anyone outside the medical corp.
2. You MUST fight OR have a damned good reason not to.
3. You MUST have 5k strength+ For those who are already in the MU and are below that I will let you off but you can't join without it.
4. You MUST be involved in the community, that means talking of the feed, responding to PMs, writing articles or joining us on IRC.
5. Your avatar can be anything, I'm not fussed whatsoever.
6. We do not tollerate ANY drunkenness or womanising towards our nurses.

How do I join?


Dependant on whether you bother working in our factories...
We have jobs in the USA so there is no excuse of not having one, supplies will remain 50 Q6 tanks per week and as much food as you want by commenting in the feed. Supply should raise however with everything under control and functioning nicely, hopefully to add some Q7s in the mix!

Regiment update
Core suppliers:
Commander - Pat Harper
2nd Commander - Umbra Bellator
2nd 2nd Commander - Marshal858

Medical Regiments:[/b]
Doctors - Captain: Randall Flagg 1999
1. LF52
2. Oliver Dietz
3. RedeemingLook
4. Aballon
5. KidCanuck
6. Gemineye
7. RangerCaulfield

Sexy Nurses - Captain: I-Bleed-Blue-93
1. Zianni Vaatez
2. D.Phaneuf
3. HazmatNukeHaxz0r
4. Ravinajacob
5. imPurified
6. nickhynds
7. Nikkooter
8. Joseph Quimby

Paramedics - Captain: Joshur
1. Dr. Savage
2. Tomturc35
3. Gh0strr
4. Pure212

Surgeons - Captain: xLil Ninjax
1. Angelo Bonsi
2. Naktabar
3. Hue1
4. CuppyCakeYums
5. Rooman97
6. Tanman

What is there to gain from joining us?

We are a fun group of guys (and gals) who enjoy the game for the community, we will help you with anything you need, we can hit hard battles hard and coordinated and we are motherf*cking MEDICS!
Join us HERE

-Pat Harper-