[Liberty CA] Captaincy - Day 1,913

Day 1,913, 14:39 Published in Canada United Kingdom by Pat Harper

Evenin' folks,
Some quick updates + information

Captaincy elections

There is currently only 2 regiments in Liberty, so there will need to be 2 Captains. When Liberty expands and new regiments emerge, more captaincy roles will become available. I would like to see at least 2 candidates running for a regiment.

If you are interested in captaincy, make it clear in the MU feed.

Captain Candidates for the month so far to my knowledge:

1st Regiment


Speech: Vote I-Bleed-Blue-93 for Regiment 1 Captain tomo.! As your MoD I'm around all day changing orders for the country anyways, so I might as well do it here too! o7

Delta Cortril

(no speech)

2nd Regiment


Speech: Vote Oinyo for Regiment 2 captain tomorrow 🙂 I will make things fun and interesting with my many fun contests!


Speech: Vote Me for Regiment 2 captain, Running cause I can and got the swag to do the job!

Captains duties:

1. Set the daily order for their regiment (and change it as they see fit).
2. Look after the boys and girls in your regiment (writing messages to everyone in their regiment and particularly those without avatars, or who haven't fought recently and answering questions).
3. Be active in the MU 'feeds' (the convo box for Liberty located on the 'homepage').

Captaincy hopefuls...

- Candidate yourself as early as possible! The applications will open soon so get candidate.

- Promoting yourself is strongly advisable, announce your intentions to the rest of the MU in the 'feeds', and messaging the rest of your regiment promoting yourself will give you a stronger chance of winning.

Captains will get this badge on their profile (until end of term) and 3 permanent stars!:

Captains also get a 10 Q7 reward after being elected.

(If you want to candidate, make it clear to me and I will put you on the list.)

Thank you for reading. Vote/comment
- Pat Harper (Liberty CA commander)

Links and references

Please vote for this article at the top of the page before clicking on any of these links.

LibertyCA WIKI
Commanders WIKI
The 2nd Commander
2nd Commanders paper
Liberty CA