[Libertas] We Believe in Missingno

Day 1,806, 09:41 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by NoTie112

Dear citizens of the eNetherlands,

Very promising times are approaching our very own eNation. For the first time in months, the next Country President will not be known before any form of democratic vote has occured, forcing all sides to persuade the population with even greater ideas and show more ambition, activity and capability than their opponents in a plead for political support. Regardless of who will turn out to serve in the highest office in our eCountry, even the fact there are multiple viable options of presidential candidates is already a huge victory for every political side, for each and every citizen.

However, we prefer one presidential candidate above the other. Libertas has decided to support Iron & Wine presidential candidate MissingNo for the coming elections. Missingno has shown to be able to build bridges across political differences, by approaching all political parties and inform their views on government policies. He even went as far as inviting those political parties who are willing to cooperate to work on a shared government manifest which he can run on. We applaud this approach, but even more the bravery of MissingNo in challenging the deadlock our political system has been in for the last months. We want to stress however that MissingNo is more than capable to climb above these minor issues, and strive for the more relevant and important problems that affects our country at this time.

We believe in MissingNo!

Kind regards,

Party President Libertas