[Libertas] The Progressive Program [Congress]

Day 2,225, 09:26 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by NoTie112

Exciting times are coming up, as during the 25th of December the Congress Elections are taking place. As we'd like our citizens to make an informed choice during these elections, Libertas will shed a light on it's intentions and ideas. We encourage other political parties to do so, too!


We at Libertas like to put ourselves as the progressive movement in the eNetherlands, pursueing pragmatic solutions to the problems that are ahead of us. As for honoring our pragmatic vision, you will not encounter a wall of text coming up, but a rather unusual message for the citizens of the eNetherlands.

The limitations of the political game in eRepublik have as result that most problems are to be solved by only one solution: Most parties will therefore have more or less the same program for implementation, be it visually different. Just a few ''controversial'' issues mark the differences between the ideologues of the eDutch parties.

When supporting a party, it's more important to look what is it in for you individually. Having a political career is relatively easy, evades the game from becoming tiresome and awards you in medals, gold, respect and influence. Most parties will already have their ranks filled with experienced and old players, which limits the chances of new players to advance on the political stairway.

Libertas is still a relatively new party in comparison to the other Congress parties and is always looking out to guide new players into Congress and Government, which puts us ahead of the others. (in fact, new players interested can still candidate themselves for Congress for Libertas!). We will for example guide two totally new and promising players to Congress this month, like Basjoh and MatsLagner.

One of our most prominent members, Afrikaner Meisje, started the same way and has established herself in the community ever since. We believe this process is paramount to the future of the eNetherlands, because - as other parties have noted too - our nation depends on those 10-20% of players who are active community players. We believe that Libertas is best capable of realizing this ideal.

To wrap it up, a short overview of relevant political points for the coming perio😛
*Complete transparency (specifically eNL Finances).
*Governmental use of only one language.
*Pro-active stimulation of community channels.
*Pro-active approach of new players.


Interested by the pragmatic and realistic motives of our party? Join now and build the foundations of the progressive movement within the eNetherlands!
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