[Libertas] The Alternative Manifest

Day 2,247, 08:59 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by NoTie112
In an era in which:

* The eNetherlands are losing tens of citizens each week, on a meager total of 400-500 citizens,
* The eNetherlands is in severe danger of being taken over by foreign elements,
* The eNetherlands are strangled by foreign powers and barely left breathing,
* The eNetherlands her (financial & political) institutions have become mere playgrounds,
* The eNetherlands is ruled by two different ''establishments'' and their distrust & elitism,

Libertas dares to walk on the thin ice of progressive & realist ideals and to say: Enough is Enough.

We hereby publicize the Alternative Manifest:

- Revision of Polish Treaty
And actually gaining the few game mechanics the game offers us, which are now given up voluntarily.

- Actual Foreign Policy
Picking our sides and friends, instead of the exclusive focus on rogue ambassadors.

- Anti-Corruption Program.
Removal of officials who abuse their privileges.

- Full Transparency.
All possible information freely available - without exclusions.

- More Chances for New Citizens.
Implementing deemed not important by many, freely available for willing citizens without elite-like requirements.

- Immediate stop suspicious and political-advantaged immigration,
Avoiding the take over of our nation, and abuse by government officials by garnering votes this way.

Interested by the pragmatic and realistic motives of our party? Join now and build the foundations of the progressive movement within the eNetherlands!
Join now!