[Libertas] Save our Country from Destruction!

Day 1,796, 07:29 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by NoTie112
Dear citizens of the eNetherlands,

I’m still astonished by the enormous growth of the political party ‘Libertas’ under my presidency, but will do everything in my capacity to represent those new members craving for those needed changes in our community and in our government as well. Libertas differs from the rest of the eDutch political parties, by representing the only real liberal-progressive movement in the eNetherlands. In eRepublik terms, this means we support an efficient government, without too much bureaucratic extras which we can’t afford as a small nation, as we're better of using those efforts to liberate ourselves from Poland

We support interventionism, but not buying ourselves out to foreign alliances and powers. But above all, we want to put the focus on liberating ourselves from ALL foreign occupations, by stopping hiding ourselves behind the symptoms of that issue which has been sickening our country for months and months. More information about Libertas’ values and political ideas, read our party program.

Can we already dress up for the funeral of the eNetherlands?

I, as political leader of one of the major parties in the eNetherlands, have read the latest interview with our President Van Spijck. I thought it was an entertaining read (Props to broersje), but at the same time, I was shocked by some of Van Spijck’s quotes. First of all, I find Van Spijck avoiding the main issue that his government has: The lack of both experience and activity.

While I admire only publishing information that is interesting and useful - and I know how stressful it is to write articles -, even I can’t agree on the lack of communication Van Spijck has had with the population the last few months since the start of his presidency. I find it arrogant to enter a presidential election without any political manifest or whatsoever, regardless if it’s a certain victory. What I find more surprising, is the fact Van Spijck insist on continuing his presidency for many more months. Even if I completely agreed on the government policy (which I clearly don’t), I find it a danger to our political system for one person to dominate the country for such a long time, even if his intentions are good.

I wonder myself how Van Spijck will be able to lead the country for anymore time, seeing his governmental teams. While I do not doubt Van Spijck himself is capable, I’ve seen that (current) government(s) are not. Yes, there are bright lights, but those can only shine thanks to the individual efforts of these specific ministries (Ministry of Information + Ministry of Finances come to mind), but the rest of the government can only be described as scattered bunch of political pions and people put on a completely wrong post (Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Recruitment have all caused scandals or are either completely absent).

What I find more disturbing than those children diseases that every eDutch government has been struggling with (I confess: I had difficulties too during my governmental terms regarding the governmental positions) due to the lack of activity in the eNetherlands, is the naive, but destructive intentions and plans the eNetherlands are awaiting under the rule of Van Spijck.

Foremost, Van Spijck has announced his intentions to negotiate with Poland. He’s essentially negotiating with that country that has been destroying our nation for a major part of our existence. What I find more amusing (because I can’t take the suggestion serious) is the idea to rent the occupied territories. We would we paying for our own justful lands, while this government defends itself from every criticism by claiming it’s policies are to the benefit of our financial situation and ‘need to be finished’. Not only is Van Spijck trying to solidify absolute power for the coming months by already justifying his continued rule (‘’finishing the job’’), he is also selling out our country by paying our biggest enemy a forced sum of money, while the main reason this government has any value or prestige, is the measures taken to reorganize our financial system, which included cutting many expenses. Subsidies have been abolished, fighting pacts can’t be signed anymore, but our government dares to say we do have the money to satisfy our occupiers?

Van Spijck is an ambitious and seems to be a capable and generally accepted leader, but is narrowminded in his way of finding solutions to our issues. His policies keep ourselves in our miserable position. We do not gain anything by consolidating the current depressive situation, except maintaining the current power of balance in the politics. Libertas wants to bring the current government policy to it’s end, and I’m calling out everyone with the same feelings to come out of the closet and dare to oppose this political deadlock we’ve been in for (now) 4 months.

I bet you feel the same..

I propose the following things to happen, which actually increase our chances of both liberating ourselves and increasing our international position. We need to deal with the causes of our issues, not the symptoms (The most important rule to keep in mind as capable and willing administrator/governor). I want to introduce my thought on improving the state of the eNetherlands.:

1) Recruitment Campaign
Let’s face it: We will never be free from Poland with our current size of population. Nor will we able to push a strong and somewhat independent foreign policy with it. It will also help with our financial problems. There for there is a need to be put immediate priorities on Recruitment. The government is lacking in this, as the Ministry of Recruitment in it’s current form is at its best illusionary. A group of willing and ambitious players needs to get together and think of all possible ways of recruiting players. This should happen without too much intervention from above, to avoid political puppets being satisfied with a Governmental Positions and afterwards completely neglecting this most important duty. I already have opened a topic on our national forums in the Recruitment subforum and I call out all same-minded players to join me in this difficult challenge.

2) Independence
It’s already an horrible sight seeing us de facto being controlled by Poland’s actions, but that doesn’t mean we can at the same time sell out our country to opposing foreign powers as well. We need to push our own agenda in the realm of possibilities regarding our alliance. Instead of turning into a lapdog of foreign powers (increasing our population (1) also helps us breaking those chains and gaining actual respect and power), we need to think of what can help us achieve our eDutch territories and above all; Revenge for all that has been taken from us.

A concerned citizen,

Party President Libertas
Former President

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