[LIBERTAS] Congress: The Road to our Liberation

Day 1,799, 13:30 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by NoTie112

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Dear citizens of the eNetherlands,

We could have never expected to be able to participate in Congress already, let alone already be the third biggest political party in the eNetherlands, in a matter of two mere weeks. But here we stand, as one of the future parties which will decide the faith of the eNetherlands. We want to thank all the support we’ve got the last few days, especially our own party members, but also our political opponents, who one day might turn into political cooperators.

Libertas may still be young, but already it encompasses many individuals of experience. Being led by me: Party President NoTie112, former multiple-term Country President and Minister of both Home and Foreign Affairs, and supported by former Secretary of Defence Xyrrath and former presidential candidate 2DG we feel we have much to offer the eNetherlands. We generally want to introduce a liberal, efficient way of governing. In other words, completely opposing any forms of unnecessary bureaucracy.

We do however feel the need to explain our plans for the eNetherlands in more than just a few catchy words, therefore we’re proud to present to you all our Congress Program for October 2012: The Road to our Liberation.

*Liberalisation Campaign.
It’s a fact that the eNetherlands are living above their class, reminding us of the better times when our income was more than tenfold our current ones and when attempts at liberating ourselves from Poland had realistic chances of succeeding. This is however not the case anymore. We need to adapt our policy to our current situation. We propose the following liberalisations to be taken in government and defense policy:

-Combine the three state Military Units into one.
We do not need three MU’s for the current amount of soldiers. All our soldiers would easily fit into one Military Unit, with orders which can be followed by any Dutch soldier, regardless of their division. Alternatively, a small group of experienced players can be approached to fight in high priority battles which require moving location (which can happen without any form of Military Unit organization). The result would be the selling of the two remaining MU’s which would give our state a considerable amount of very needed gold.

-Only support the State Military Unit(s)
We can’t support it financially to supply every eDutch soldier, regardless of their Military Unit. While it’s true that ‘officially’ it only matters whether you work in a state commune or not, in practical terms it doesn’t motivate the centralisation of our Defense system and only causes more bureaucracy and chaos. The State Military Unit(s) should be the centre of all state subsidies, while independent Military Units do not get this ‘official recognition’. In our eyes, only those who completely serve for the eDutch state (by joining the official Military Unit(s)) deserve to be able to benefit from the state communes (as they do cost us a considerable, yet unclear, amount of money to operate).

-Reorganisation of State Companies
We highly doubt the usefulness of our current state companies. They are not updated to the highest possible state of quality. Seeing that we are facing very powerful enemies, it’s probably worth it to have the highest quality of weapons available. We want to approach trustable players with those Q7 companies, while we want to ready ourselves for upgrading our state companies when the financial and geopolitical situation allows our so. We also want to review the costs of State Companies (which is currently being kept secret) and look for possible cuttings.

-Focus on only the most important tasks
Our liberalisation policy also points at the rest of our governmental policy. This means we want to remove and avoid Government from tasks which they shouldn’t be doing, in order to focus on their foremost priority; preparing our country for our liberation. This means no intervention in the media from above, but also delegating the Coaching of our newer players to political parties, individuals and Military Units (which works, seeing the success of parties like Libertas, the Progressive Party and Geuzen Partij Nederland). Only the most needed Coaching elements (like tutorials) should be maintained by the government.

*Recruitment Campaign
We believe the key to our liberation is the increase of our population, which give us more income and hands to fight with. Libertas has already started a recruitment campaign, which has resulted in our population once again reaching above 600 citizens. We believe our current Ministry of Recruitment is not needed and above all not capable of this important task, which could bring the eNetherlands it’s eventual freedom. We want to expand our recruitment campaign, by cooperating on national level with all others interested in bringing the eNetherlands back to it’s former glorious population numbers, which far exceeded the 1000 citizens.

*Internationalisation Campaign
Experienced and strong players with eDutch citizenship are as helpful as a bucketload of new players. We want to encourage the immigration of foreign, although trusted, players. Hopefully we can also attract former citizens back, which includes most of the former eDutch elite. Their movement out of country has left it in chaos and caused a major brain drain.

We also want to push for an international policy which benefits us too, not only our allies. We do not want to distance ourselves from EDEN in any way, but we do not support the neglecting of our own priorities for yet another ‘high-priority’ battle. We also want to look in the possibility of strengthening both our countries by participating in Natural Enemy or Training Wars, which increases both the strength and activity of our country.

Financial Cutting Campaign
While we need to take efforts to increase our income (by the other points mentioned in this article, it’s paramount for our nation to cut our unneeded expenditures in the meantime, to save up money for an uprising against Poland. We are living on the same ways as we were when our country was literally flooded with income. We therefore propose the following rational steps to be taken:

-An immediate stop of subsidies.
Instead of wasting precious money on it, we want to set up a campaign in which older and experienced players can donate goods (weapons, food and currency) which then can be donated to newer players in alternate (cost-free) subsidies. Currently, the subsidies do take a heavy percentage of our budget, while in the past they didn’t mean much at all in regards to our expenditures.

-Minimal amount of MPP’s.
We only want a hand full of the most important MPP’s, which will guarantee battles available at any given time for the eNetherlands. MPP’s are our main expenditure. To illustrate; 5 MPP’s would already cause us to go over our monthly budget, which gives us a good illustration of how bad our current situation is.

-Gain money by disbanding unneeded government properties/costs.
As described in our former program points, which includes the possibility of disbanding Military Units and/or State Companies, but also removing unneeded subsidies, both for (private) Military Units and new players.

The money that is left after those radical but very needed financial cuttings we want to put in a special fund for our liberation. This fund, as proposed by other parties too, will also give foreign sympathizers and eDutch players an opportunity to donate both money, weapons and food to this cause, but will also be filled with our National Reserves, when the time is ripe.

Now, let’s step on that road to Liberation, with Libertas!

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