[LIBERTAS] A Short CP Announcement

Day 2,266, 11:27 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by NoTie112
Dear citizens of the eNetherlands,

As you all should know, the presidential elections are nearing (during the 5th of February). We at Libertas have decided to make a public statement and endorsement for this month, as we feel like it will be an extraordinary promising term if it came to fruition.

We'd like to position ourself as a alternative pillar in the political scene of the eNetherlands - the emergence of the Dutch Revolutionary Party has been very helpful in breaking the bipartisanship - and will add action to these words by our decision to endorse Kordak for Country President.

We hope our support to Kordak will break opposition blocks and establish a healthy coalition of individuals from all factions and organizations for the future of our country. Libertas will happily represent this stance and push for corrections whenever the promising cooperation for the better of the eNetherlands is endangered.

Kind regards,
The Libertas Party Management


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