[HILMY] Maybe someday, you'll be somewhere talking to me

Day 2,365, 00:24 Published in Switzerland Netherlands by jensenn

“Love makes you see a place differently, just as you hold differently an object that belongs to someone you love. If you know one landscape well, you will look at all other landscapes differently. And if you learn to love one place, sometimes you can also learn to love another.”
- Robert Frost

Open your eyes, won't you say what's on your mind, you won't be left behind, my country is so beautiful, one of the best places in this planet called Earth, the third planet in our solar system, when you are here you can feel the real beauty of small things, the real peace something can give you, so undescriptible than you can't imagine you need to live it, when you are here you can feel the truly word of dream, a dream who can change the way you see your world, our landscape and cities are awesome and so peacefuls make you feel an undescriptible feeling about how you can interprete life but the best way to know a country is to know about people so I am gonna talk about us and me like Swiss citizen.

I must say we are great persons, yeah I know some of you think we are really reserved and we don't like to talk a lot but the true is If you ask for assistance, you will gain our support unconditionally, regardless of your status as acquaintance, friend, or even stranger on the street, we seem a bit shy, but this, in part, is because we don't like to "middle in" interference with, another person's life, so normally I will wait to see how open you are, how willing you are to share with me, before I open to you.

Maybe if you know me in real life you may think I'm acting like I have no more room for friendship, but once I feel comfortable with you (and often this happen quickly), you will get to know me better and maybe a strong ties if friendship will develop.

I do not normally greet strangers or start conversations with them. Yet I'm not impolite or indifferent, so if you speak to me, most will gladly respond. And friendly, interesting conversations can take place, indeed I'm really curious to get know visitors from other countries and usually I am interested in where and how you might live. Indeed, I am generally curious about the world around me. In fact, many of us are remarkably well informed and willing to share our ideas and opinions about world events, politics and social issues, and much more… I talk quite a lot about the weather. There are at least two reasons for doing this: first, because the weather in Genève changes often, within the same day and from one day to the next, and sometimes this might be hard to bear, without talking about it (sometimes I think wow cool day and 5 mins later it's raining da heck). The second reason for talking about the weather is that it shows me a willingness to ease into the start of a conversation with someone I have just met. That is, talking about the weather is a Swiss “ice-breaker.” Never ask me about my life, likes, sports if I don't know you.

We are great lovers of the outdoor, and you will rarely meet one of us who doesn’t practice an outdoor sport or recreation activity (such as taking a walk often a strenuous hike on a mountain path or in the woods), I hate to stay at home in my free time.

We are very proud of our country and we talk a lot about it. I especially like it when visitors show an interest in Switzerland, the land, its culture and it heritage, that's why I like Lucas, he is always interested about us and I like that that's why he is my friend as some of you.

I am informal in dress and manner, I dislike people who are complicated about that.

My humor tends to be dry and witty, with a touch of irony and appears often when the you least expects it. A lot of people know that on irc.

We put a high price on tolerance and acceptance of other people, however shy they may seem at first.