[Help needed] Create a Q6 factory from scratch (Part 2)

Day 1,588, 00:34 Published in Romania North Korea by Silexu


As you may read in my previous article I am trying to build a Q6 weapon factory.

First of all I want to thank titillica who helped me with a loan of CC that helped me to do the Q2 company trick.

Until now I've succeeded to gather the daily 10G for which I want to thank to
Paul Nedelcu

Also I want to thank to the anonymous players that bought 96800 CC from me on Monetary Market 3 days ago.

The remaining step is to sell my Q2 food companies, and here I got the help from some friends who agreed to eventually try to sell their factories and buy mines.

I would like to thank you too all my subscribers I got from the previous article (53).

I would also like to thank also to the people who voted my in Oltenia, as I did not make any publicity for my candidature (that was another desperate move to gain 5G).

All the best,