[Help needed] Create a Q6 factory from scratch

Day 1,585, 05:43 Published in Romania North Korea by Silexu

Hi everybody,

This is not a tutorial or an article with hints how to do the Q6 upgrade. Instead it is a very crazy plan I am trying to complete in 4 days while the promotion is on.

Since the game is increasing boring I am trying to do something which will be very hard to achieve: create a Q6 weapon from scratch.

For that I need around 440 Gold and because of 10G limit on Monetary Market + donations I cannot gather more than 40G in the remaining days. But I have some resources and I plan even to buy 25G for 10Euro (that's the maximum I am imposing myself to spend on eRep monthly).

Therefore to fill the gap I need to sell my Q2 food factories with maximum price possible: 33G. If somebody wants to buy them I will send him/her back 13G in CC at 1700/G. That means 22100CC (Thanks to a good fellow from FAR for loaning me the CC). As a regard I will also send the buyer 50 Q6 tanks.

Also if somebody wants to donate me parts of that 40G and trust me enough I will return them in maximum 1 month. For every 1G sent I will send immediately 1 Q6 tank.

Another good source of gold would be a RW. So for every hint for a successful RW I will send 5000CC.

All the best,

PM I cannot dream that I can get Media Mogul in 4 days for another 5G, but you never know. I've started with 347 subscribers.