[Government] Weekly News (Day 641 - Augustus 22, 2009)

Day 641, 13:08 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Ministerie van Media en Recrui

The Ministry of Information did not give you information for a long time. For too long, even if the ministry and the rest of the government was working hard and with conviction for the citizens of the union. We apologize.
Of course, our President, ThomasRed (http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/behind-the-atomium--189658/1) wrote lots of articles to inform the public.

The Minister of Raw’s ; RessMe

We have problem with eRepTools. But we are doing our best to find the raw materials that are ordered as cheap as possible.

The Ministry of State Companies and Gold Market ; Cocoamok

Because of the babyboom we provided many hundreds jobs at the training companies. We fired people for whom there were jobs on the job market. We fired people when they were not working for three days.
We asked companies to get inactive employees replaced by others to get more jobs. Together we made it possible that there was no one without a job.
We started a new Q1 food company to use our own grain from UNL Farming. So we provided more workplaces, we were sure no food shortages would be there, because of the baby boom and for manufacturing training we do not need to import oil as we did in UNL Moving.
We reopened UNL Forts our Q5 defense system company, to provide 20 more jobs and get gold income when we export these systems.
We are going to upgrade and reopen UNL Food after we have sold our Q4 food stock so we can make our own cheap Q5 food and have 10 more working places.
Raw materials
We bought a Q3 iron mine in Ukraine with borrowed gold and upgraded it to Q4 to have cheap iron for our weapon companies. The iron mine is running good now.
We upgraded our 2 Q3 wood companies in France to Q4(used to be Canada) and hired new employees for them so we get cheap wood.
Gold market
The gold market was visited by many foreigners that believed NLG would rise a lot compared to gold because of the baby boom. We have put more NLG on the market to prevent this. At first it was not enough and that made problems for export companies and gave have shortages of NLG. We got much gold because all our NLG on the market was always sold fast. With that gold we could print 80k NLG for 400 gold. With those NLG's on the market we could restore our price of 1 NLG for 0.016 gold.

Managers needed

We are in need of more managers for the state owned companies. If you want to help running a state owned company send a message to OE_Volksgezondheid and we will contact you to see if you can become a manager.
We have made some articles. First to get the gold for upgrading our Q3 iron mine. Second on our new training company in food. Third about the baby boom to get more jobs. One English and a French article about the use of the training companies and how to get employees. The last and sixt article was about the reopening of UNL forts. We hope that with this information more people do understand the goals and profits of the state owned companies.

Other information

The armies of Peace continue their progress in North America, despite the valiant and desperate resistance of our enemies. Our armed obviously involved in these operations.

We have experienced a baby boom suddenly following the publication on an important site of a French article on Erepublik. Number of Belgian francophone joined us on this occasion. Some have used the site recently completed Ebabyboom which bailout funds from the government.

Many of these newcomers have joined the Walloon region (which they probably originated IRL). The Government has installed a new hospital Q5 in this region, given the massive and sudden influx of new citizens.

We sincerely wish you all a good game.

Slivever, Minister media