[GINGER] - Thursday is the last day of Spring edition.

Day 2,039, 17:47 Published in Canada Canada by DiamondHands

As promised, I bring you yet another Thursday of Ginger love.

And obligitory Ygritte/Gwen Dawson... errr... Rose Leslie picture:

Thanks you, that is all for this week.

*Disclaimer: TGT takes no responsibility for any blood flow, heart, stomach, brain, etc problems this post may have caused or will cause. TGT reminds you to love Gingers responsibly. TGT is for pure entertainment purposes only. TGT would like to thank (removed to prevent external advertising warning).com and their lively Chivettes for providing the images. TGT is also aware that not all pictures are true redheads, we like blondes and brunettes too.
Thanks to (Removed to avoid external advertising), source of my feed.