[Game improvements] People's companies vs Real companies.

Day 1,179, 01:10 Published in Romania North Korea by Silexu

I think there was a very smart move for admins to lower the taxes for founding companies. It is much easier for somebody to do it, so the temptation of buying gold is bigger for people. This way everybody can manage his own business. On this line a smaller upgrade fee like 10G for Q2, 25G for Q3 etc. will continue to tempt people to buy gold. I admit that I did bought gold for founding my own companies and I would do it again if upgrade fees would be smaller.

On the other hand I do agree with the real company owners that were affected by the market and monetary market madness. Therefore some actions should be taken to support them. Maybe a minimum of 5 working (not dead or non working clones) people should boost the company production. An easier people company management like allowing the moving of raw materials from raw companies to end-product companies and easier product movement from companies to manager will encourage the self consuming of the products instead of putting them on the market.

All the best,